Exit God Out Book One: The Unexpected Terrestrial Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Her home phone was lit up as Laura entered and dropped everything to pick up the message. It was Amarr Jammal, asking her to come to the underground lab for a visit. She replied to Amarr, lying that Jackson was in Boulder with her and if he could join them. They agreed, made a date only two days away, and she immediately called Jackson to fly in as soon as possible.

"Sounds exciting," he said to her as they hustled along the airport to her car. "We finally get to see what's buried in there! Robert and Sean will want to know. How many years have we sat on that bench and talked about it? Did he tell you why he wants to see you?"

"Not yet. Maybe I'll get to work there, who knows. I'm not counting on anything. In this company you don't know if you're permanent or one foot out the door. It's very strange." Laura cast a blank look, obviously not as excited as he was about the lab tour. Jackson studied her for a moment, putting his arm around her shoulders. Her smile returned as they left the airport.

"There's that horse again, rearing up in defiance to all that come and go from Denver Airport. I still need to do some research on it, see if there's a story behind why it's there." Jackson turned his head as they drove by to get a good look. "There's death attached to this horse. I don't know why I feel this. I just do."

Laura looked over to Jackson. He sat motionless, staring ahead as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Remind me to look this up when we get home," he asked.

"I'll beat you to it," Laura replied.

The minute they opened the door they both dropped everything and ran to the computer, Laura beating Jackson by a fraction of a second. He pulled up a chair and they searched and found a few photos describing the horse.

"It's the horse of the Apocalypse," said Laura. "The artist was killed during the creation of it. Is that what you saw?" She looked over at Jackson.

"I felt a presence, not a happy one. It was attached to the horse but not friends with it. More of a warning than an admirer."

"You're creeping me out." Laura got up to make something to eat. "You keep searching, just tell me from a distance. I don't ever want to see it again."

"I can take a second flight into Boulder municipal airport. The cost is insignificant and save you time. You'll never have to look at it again."

"That may work Jackson, but let's talk about it later. These jitters may vanish and it won't bother me anymore. No sense spending hours in the airport when you don't have to. It's barely thirty miles each way. Hardly worth it."

The next morning they got ready and headed towards the big gates that guarded the Boston Meyer compound. They swung open slowly as they moved closer.

"I don't know which entrance I dislike the most, this or Denver Airport." Laura's car crawled up the long thick layer of blacktop as it curved into the front parking lot. The first thing they noticed was the solid wall of glass, like a thermal greenhouse incubating unknown science experiments about to be unleashed upon the planet, or so Jackson mused. Laura started getting excited about been invited, for only a chosen few in Boston Meyer could boast that honor.

Amarr scurried around inside, preparing everyone for Laura's entry. Janet and Maggie were carefully tucked away in the white room, and to everyone's surprise, Maggie willingly suggested it. The move struck Amarr odd, as this day was unusual for Maggie: she woke up extremely happy and bursting inside, as if she had something to say but couldn't get the words out. Her erratic nature was of curiosity to him, and he began to pay closer attention to her, especially now with Anna gone. Janet was having difficulty looking after the child and he could only assume it was the reason Maggie had swings in temperament. Or so he scientifically concluded, even though it didn't sit well with him, knowing what he knew.

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