Exit God Out Book One: The Unexpected Terrestrial Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

"I would like to stay for a while if you don't mind," said Victor. No one will think of looking for me here. They believe I hate this place, and as long as I put out negative thoughts about it, Mash can't connect me."

"We'll miss you," said Sarah, and she gave him a long hug and whispered in his ear. "I look forward to the great things you'll do. Jackson and Laura will look up to your lead. We will be there when you need us, but you must make sure they acknowledge Maggie's requests. Time will move quickly now."

Victor waved as Jackson and Maggie drove onto the ferry to take Laura, Sean and Sarah to the airport. He had mixed feelings about the island. He didn't want to answer questions from the locals as to why he was back to visit, and what happened to him after the FBI invaded his house. The less people knew, the safer he was. He sat on the deck in the evening sunshine, nodding off in-between running through a list of events that were to keep him and this new group of like-minded individuals very busy for the next eight years. Everything was working out as designed, and he trusted it. A flurry of feathers sounded behind him, and an old seagull landed with minimal grace. Charlie you old devil, you're still around. Jackson's going to be real glad you came back. Victor and the old bird sat and watched the cars drive onto the island, and as the last few rolled off the ferry, a large black van and moving truck rattled across the unloading ramp. He watched them as they disappeared into the trees, showing up further along the cliff road, landing at his old house. The CIA had just deposited another non-conformist. Why didn't I see this coming? He closed his eyes but could not pick up anything dangerous. The CIA had no reason to toss another remote viewer. Still worth checking out and making sure the newbie had no connection and he got up and made supper for Jackson and Maggie, who were just boarding the ferry from the mainland.

"We should visit your Great Grandmother. You could learn a lot from each other," said Jackson. Maggie looked up at her father, excited at the thought of traveling to northern Canada. She had yet to visit Grandmother Diane's family and was looking forward to discovering wild animals and painting unusual trees. Jackson and Maggie made it back in time to find Charlie and a fabulous meal waiting for them. He fed the old bird his cheese then sat down at the table when the phone rang.

"Yes this is Jackson Brown Sparrow. Wow, I've never been to Mexico before. It's a bit short notice but yes, I can make it. Yes, I need the payment up front."

Victor smiled. He knew the eight-year journey was just beginning.

"Maggie, change of plans," and he logged onto the site the caller gave him. "We won't be able to spend more than a week up north now. I'm speaking at a UN convention in Mexico! I can't believe it! They had this other guy booked but he backed out at the last minute." Maggie ran over to see the website. "Tomorrow your dad's photo will be right there Maggie," and he pointed to the vacant spot where his information would soon show up. "I'll just send this picture and we'll check it in the morning. Call your mom. Maybe she'll come too."

"I'm going. I have to go. I have to get to Mexico."

"Of course you're going Maggie. I hope your mom can take extra time off. We should make it an extended vacation." Jackson called Laura and left her a message to call as soon as she got in.

Maggie looked up at Victor. "He doesn't understand. He needs to know I have to go to Mexico."

Victor called out to Jackson. "Why don't we make it our first adventure? We can all go, even Sean and Sarah. If Laura can get three weeks off we should all go and see what trouble we can get into, right Maggie," and he winked at her.

Sean and Sarah agreed to go, and finally Laura called back. Amarr agreed to ten days of vacation. He was beginning to realize she was part of a bigger picture and was willing to do what he could to support it. He invited her to join him at the Boulder underground lab for a special project and she said yes. What Amarr didn't divulge were the procedures. Laura knew it was a vaccine, but Amarr had not yet exposed the details.

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