Exit God Out Book One: The Unexpected Terrestrial Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"I still can't believe that boy was dead when they painted him," Laura said. "Why would they even hang such a painting?"

"Maybe it's a marketing trick. After all, which painting would you stare at the longest and talk about the most?" Jackson stretched his arms and took Laura's hands, studying her palms and the long smooth lines that connected and crossed, chronicling her life story.

"I love this little restaurant. It's been here since the 1940's." Jackson surveyed the artifacts that had survived through turbulent years. "Thanks to our cab driver for pointing that out."

"By the look of the waitresses, so have they," and they both laughed and Laura went quiet for a minute. "Jackson, what did you mean when you said you lost me three times?"

Jackson began to describe a tall young blonde girl and what appeared to be a best friend at his December 1998 Boulder tour. He wanted to connect with those cryptic blue eyes framed by coils of black hair, but as he made a move something pulled him back. He explained how his intuition was his most valuable ally, and that he never second guessed it no matter what the circumstances. Laura was curious.

"I saw you again on April 1 2000, at the campgrounds on the bench. I caught the reflection of the wolf's eyes but once again, I was dragged away before we could meet. Remember that light beam?"

"Who could forget! I can't. It haunts me like a spell. And those crazy people that ran down to see it up close? What were they thinking?"

Jackson shuffled in his chair. "That was me and a few friends. They wanted to get a closer look. I looked for you after but you left."

"I remember that, yes," and the moment flashed across her mind like a moving picture. "Emily, the blonde girl is my sister. She pulled me the opposite way and we threw the tent and everything in the car and left as fast as we could. That was you! I remember now, I did want to see the light up close too but no one wanted to go down there. I remember trying to wait for you but Emily wanted to leave." The truth was, I didn't want Emily to know I was interested. Can't quite tell you this yet.

"Those events showed up for a reason. We were not meant to meet then. You were not meant to see the light up close that day."

"And I suppose number three was here in Boston?"


"Why were you so upset? What was it that you didn't want me to know? You scared me so I left."

Jackson smiled and looked down, struggling for the words to ring true without frightening Laura. The truth Jackson. Always speak the truth. "I'm being followed. I haven't done anything so don't worry! I had this neighbor, a lovely older man who worked for the CIA years ago, but they raided his house one day and he's been missing ever since. I assumed he escaped. They seem to think I know where he is. I was interrogated the day they tore his house apart. It was one of the most unpleasant situations I've ever been in."

"Why are they after him? No one is chased without reason."

"He worked as a spy I believe, but there's more to him and I want to find out what that is. The man I saw last night at my lecture was the same man that interrogated me the day they raided Victor's house."

Laura took a moment to absorb the information. "Victor. Wonder if I can find anything on him," and she looked up at Jackson. "I have connections."

A waitress appeared, chewing gum through a thick Boston accent. "Y'all ready to order yet?" They ordered and sat quiet for a while, staring at each other in disbelief that their paths finally crossed for more than a fleeting moment. The waitress rolled her eyes as she walked by.

Laura broke the silence. "It feels like I've known you for a while."

Jackson looked at her. "I've known you my whole life."

He began to tell her the story of his dreams about a young woman with the bluest eyes and dark, almost curly hair that drifted across her shoulders, and how he had this dream for as long as he could remember. She listened to him and for the first time in her life, a man's words did not frighten her. Laura was uncomfortable being pursued. She had little time for any man that didn't match up to her high expectations. Talent and intelligence was first and if that wasn't evident after a few minutes, she walked. Jackson however had her attention from the beginning. Perhaps, he was in her dreams all her life as well; she just couldn't see the face. They ate slowly as Laura's second interview wasn't until late afternoon just after 4pm, and her plane left at 9:30pm back to Denver.

"How is it you were at the art gallery?"

Jackson chose his words carefully. "I was told by an old wise friend to trust my instincts. After you ran out last night, I thought I would have to wait again to find you. But this morning I went for a walk with no intention of looking at art, and the gallery drew me in. So I trusted it. Whenever I go against my intuition, things never turn out. My Mother use to say I had great intuition, and like I said, I listen." He watched Laura take every word to heart. "I can go with you to your interview."

"How about this: drop me off so you know where I am, and I'll call you when I'm done. I may have to wait around. Do you have anywhere you need to go?"

"I'm a free agent today," he replied. "I just want to see your face when they tell you your start date. You will get the job."

Laura smiled and believed him. They followed through on their plans, and later, Jackson escorted an ecstatic Laura to the Boston Airport, holding on to an employment agreement that was about to change her life. His plane was much later, but he felt comfortable hanging around a busy airfield as opposed to being on the street where the CIA could find him. Running and hiding from people was tiring. He was looking forward to Bowen Island.

"So how close is Bowen Island from Denver or Boston?" asked Laura.

"From Vancouver to Denver is 1,111 miles by air. Driving is longer," he laughed. "Not close enough."

Laura melted into him and they held each other while people walked by without the slightest notice that two people were standing in the airport whose names would one day be a worldwide phenomenon.

April K. Reeves, Author. Copyright 2004 All Rights Reserved. Visit us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/April-K-Reeves/390530011143987?fref=ts or our website: https://aprilkreevesauthor.wordpress.com/

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