Chapter 3

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Author's Note: 3 votes? Woaaaaah. I have no idea when those three votes were from, but I'll take it! Here's the next chapter :D 3 votes again for an auto-update? I'll work on what votes count and which don't later.

So enjoy, comment and vote please!


The golden grand doors seemed to make the situation even more intimidating than it should have. The maid was unfazed by them, taking one of the doorknobs and opening it up. When I wouldn’t move, she gave a gentle shove to my back, just enough so I’d be inside the room, and closed the door with a large thud.

            Move, you stupid legs!

            They were numb, but I somehow managed to walk towards the Queen who was sitting regally in her throne. A male dressed in fine clothing stood at one side while a woman in equally as fine clothing stood on the other.

            “Are you the Engineer Marv has sent?” Queen Helena asked with a serene voice. I could barely nod my head, more less talk!

            I could feel all three of them just staring at me.

           “Introduce yourself,” the male said. I looked up from my feet and cleared my throat. Trying not to let my voice shake, I said, “My name is Syl, eighteen years old.”

            “What is your family name?” he inquired.

            I shook my head. “I don’t know. I don’t remember anything about my family.”

            “Is your name short for anything?”

            Why was he asking me so many questions about my name?

            Now that I think about it, my name does sound like it should be short for something. But Marv had told me that I had told him my name was Syl…

            “No,” I shrugged. “I don’t really remember anything before I was four and first came to the Gear Hall. I’m not sure who my family is, where I came from, or who I am besides the fact that I’m Syl, an Engineer.”

            He nodded, and asked no more questions. “I am Prince Tom of Illicia.”

           “…Nice to meet you…” I said hesitantly, bowing. I glanced up and saw him eye something, but he didn’t say anything.

            “I am Princess Sylvia,” the woman standing said. She looked calm for a person who just found their family after fourteen years of separation or is that just a natural princess thing to be so serious? If I ever found my parents, I would be jumping for days. But she looked like she had simply gone away on vacation.

            “Nice to meet you as well,” I bowed.

            “Now that we have all introduced each other, Syl, would you care to join us for lunch?” the Queen requested. “I appoint you now as a Royal Engineer. Normally an Engineer must eat their meals with the others, but I’m giving you the option of eating with us whenever you want to.”

            So I get a say in that matter. I kind of wanted to make friends with the other Engineers, but I guess since I live in the Engineer quarters, I can always find another way and join them for lunch every now and then…

            “My Queen, I have something to ask you,” I spoke up.

            “What is it?” Queen Helena asked me.

            “Am I permitted to go off the grounds and back to the Gear Hall to see my friends?”       

            She paused for a few seconds.

            “If you desire, you are allowed on weekends. Does that sound fair?”

            “Thank you,” I broke into the first smile since I had come into the throne room.

            “You have a lovely smile dear,” she mused. “Let us go eat.”

            “Wait,” Tom interjected. “Syl, what’s that beneath your shirt?”

            So that’s what he was looking at. I pulled out the silver chain and held up the locket for them to see.

            It was then that Princess Sylvia attacked me.

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