Leaving a trace

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Clint woke up in his tent, cold and soaking wet.

"What the h-" Clint groaned, sitting up to see Aries hovering above him holding a now empty glass.

"We're leaving in a hour,get up." She said simply, "Zachary says we're flying to St.Petersburg and then doing a circuit over Russia."

Standing up, Clint sighed and pulled off his sodden shirt. "How long are we going to be gone?"

Aries shrugged, "Dunno. A month, a year, a week. It all depends on how the acts go, you know that." She threw him a white t-shirt from his meager stack. "Why do you ask? It's not like any of us have any family to go back to."

Until now. Clint thought as Barney's face flashed in his mind. Could I go back? Could I just walk back into my life and have my brother back? Have Natasha back?

No. You're a walking dead man. Everyone is safer with you dead. They are moving on, you have to let them. You can't keep showing up and rekindling the flame, no matter how much you miss them.

Clint sighed and looked at Aries, "No reason, your right I have no one to go back to. I don't even know why I asked."

Aries gave Clint a look like she knew he was hiding something, but didn't say anything. "Just hurry your ass up. I'll be in the second van to the end, don't be late or I'll leave you here." Then with a flick of her hair and a turn on her heel she practically flounced out of his tent.

"Don't tempt me." Clint muttered but stuffed his costume into his already packed duffel then began to break camp.


Morning in the tower was going normally for the first time in a while. Steve was reading the newspaper and chewing absently on his piece of toast, trying to understand both the politics and entertainment sections without using Wikipedia. Bruce had disappeared into a book on loop quantum gravity along with a cup of tea and probably wouldn't resurface till lunch. Tony,having lost his lab partner to a book was typing lazily on a Stark pad and chewing on a mouthful of cereal. Everything seemed pretty normal and quiet.

That was what made Bruce look up from his book, the tower was never this quiet, if it was something had to be seriously wrong.

As he surveyed the room he mentally checked everyone off.

Steve, sitting at the kitchen counter struggling to understand who these Kardashian people are and why they were so prominent in the entertainment section.

Tony, sprawled on the couch doing something with a Stark pad that would either blow up in his face and create something that the avengers would have to destroy or make him another billion dollars.

Natasha, in her chair by the win-

Natasha wasn't in her usual red armchair, a spot she had claimed for herself in the first week if moving in. Effectively stealing it from Tony by pinning his arm to the floor by the sleeve with a throwing knife.

Frowning he set down his book.

"Has anyone seen Natasha this morning?"

Steve began to fold his newspaper, " I haven't actually, maybe she got up early and went out."

"No, she didn't tell anyone or leave a note." Bruce said. After Clint's death the avengers had started leaving notes for each other if they were going out and no one would see them leave. They had gotten a lot closer in the last year.

"Maybe she's asleep," Tony suggested not moving from the couch. "You know, like a normal person?"

Steve sighed, "Guess we might as well go find her,"

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