Chapter Three

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^^ha!! But, sers, tho, if this was real life, Louis would TOATLLY top^^

"Hey, babe, are you - " Harry walks into the bedroom, quickly looking up from his phone. He stops a few feet from the door, watching Louis as his chest rises and falls. The small kitten is laying on his side, swamped with fluffy gray and white blankets. He checks the time on his phone. Its three o'clock. Louis doesn't sleep until three o'clock. He's been asleep since...what? Eleven last night? Sure, it isn't the earliest time, but Louis rarely sleeps over nine hours, then he takes a short cat nap later while Harry's at work. Of course, he doesn't want to wake the boy, so he makes his way out.

He sees shaking and quickly strides over, peeling the blanket back. Louis squeaks, taking the blanket and covering his shivering body. "Lou, do you feel okay?"

"No," Louis croaks, his voice scratchy and raw. He lets out a swift cough, pulling back the covers to peek up at Harry. "Can you help me up? I think I'm gonna puke."

Harry nods, quickly lifting the boy into his arms and carrying him to the bathroom. The moment he sets him down, the little twenty year old places his hands on the seat and pukes up into the bowl. Harry coos, kneeling down next to him and rubbing his back.

"Oh baby," Harry murmurs.

Louis shakes his head, being violently sick again. He gags, quickly jerking his head to the bowl. Louis continues to be ill, until Harry gets worried. The poor boy is quite pale and shaking, tears streaming down his face. He sobs, his entire body shaking and hot, but the sweats covering his body are cold, making him feel weak and sick. His long tail lays out behind him, until he finally stops. His throat burns as he turns around, crying softly into Harry's bare shoulder.

"Fluffy, I'm going to get you some water. You need to drink. You could get dehydrated. I'm gonna call a concierge doctor to check up on you, alright?" Harry murmurs, petting his Submissives hair. "You don't feel like going to the hospital right now, do you?"

Louis scoffs. "I don't need a doctor. I just need rest."

"You've been resting since last night, honey. This doesn't look good," Harry murmurs, pressing one hand to the Subs burning forehead and the other to the small of his back. Louis nuzzles his hand into the cool touch, smiling slightly.

He swallows in his swelled throat, cringing. "I'm fine, baby. Just need some medicine."

"You're gonna need to tell me if you think you're gonna throw up again. 'Cause if you are, I can't give you the medication. And you're on an empty stomach. Do you wanna eat right now?" Harry asks lovingly, stroking his hair and back softly.

Louis shudders. "I can't ea-" he lurches, puking up into the toilet again. Harry sighs, rubbing his back and kissing his hair sweetly.

"Im so sorry, baby, but do you think..." Harry trails off when Louis shakes his head, choking out a "nope". "Just sick?"

Louis nods swiftly, heaving up the rest of his dinner from last night. He shakes when he's done, laying back against Harry. "I'm done. Can you help me stand to brush my teeth?"

Harry nods, helping the kitten to his feet and holding him around his waist. Louis brushes his teeth, flicking his ears and sweeping his tail against the floor. "I don't need a doctor," Louis mumbles when Harry begins to guide him into the bedroom, one large hand on his lower back.

"I don't care if you don't think you need a doctor, but I'm calling one just in case. You know how our immune system is, Fluffy," Harry murmurs in his ear, helping him into the bed and pulling up the covers.

"But I'm fine!" Louis exclaims in annoyance, nuzzling back into the pillows. "Just a little bug. Nothing major, I swear. I'm great."

"Stubborn is what you are," the Dominant grumbles, pecking his forehead and feeling him for warmth. "And you have a fever." He rushes into the restroom, searching for the thermometer. When he finds the metal stick, he returns, making Louis open his mouth for it. They wait until it beeps. 39.5. That's dangerously high, especially for a hybrid.

"I'm gonna go get you some tablets, okay? I'll call and ask about an ice bath," Harry promises, kissing the kittens head and leaving to get paracetamol. Louis quickly downs it with the glass of water Harry got him and shudders.

"Can you get me a bowl? Or rubbish bin?" Louis mutters. Harry nods. Once he's situated and pukes into the rubbish bin again, Harry cleans it out and does as he said, getting him a cup of water and calling a Doctor.

When he returns to the room, Louis is fast asleep, a deep crease in his forehead and ears flat against his head. His paper white pale head tosses, his hair matted to his forehead and neck with sweat. He looks just uncomfortable and, in Harry's mind, absolutely pitiful. He whimpers, snapping his dull blue eyes open and grabbing the bowl to quickly be sick.

Harry sighs, striding over and sitting on the bed. He cards his hand through the young Submissives hair, rubbing the back of his neck. Louis keens, whimpering softly and setting the bin aside. He lays back and wipes his mouth. "I don't know what's going on," he murmurs, closing his eyes.

Harry hands him the water, watching him as he takes a tentitive sip. "Drink more, babe. I don't want you dehydrated."

Louis nods quietly, drinking larger gulps of the cool liquid.

"Dr. Logan will be here soon. To check up on you," Harry whispers, petting the small boys hair. Louis leans into his hand, closing his eyes.

"Why Dr. Logan?"

Harry shrugs. "She was free at the moment and knows us.")

Louis sighs, opening his tear filled eyes. "W-what if something's wrong?" He murmurs, choking on his tears and letting a few leak out. Harry wipes them away with the pads of his thumbs.

"Oh, pet, I'm sure its nothing," he smiles reassuringly. Louis nods.

"I want to go to sleep," he says softly.

Harry stands pressing a kiss to his sweaty, hot forehead. "Go to sleep, my love. I'll wake you when she arrives."

Louis nods, settling back down and falling asleep in an instant. Harry kisses his forehead again and goes to wait on the couch. Jet and Jax rush around the living room until they tire, laying down next to their father as he sets there, nervously bouncing his leg. The two-year-old girl is asleep in her room, but the boys wanted to play.

Twenty minutes later, a knock sounds on the door. Harry invites Dr. Logan into the room, leading her passed the sleeping boys and into the master bedroom, where Louis is throwing up again. Harry rushes over, not having heard him, and sits next to him on the bed, rubbing his arm and landing sweet kisses in his hair.

Louis weakly smiles his greeting as the doctor pulls up a chair and sits next to him. "'re..." she starts, waiting for him to fill in the blank.

He shrugs. "I do-nt know," his voice cracks and he quickly grabs the water and downs the glass.

Dr. Logan smiles sadly, standing up. "Okay, I'll just check a few things." She checks the kittens tonsils, throat, temperature, blood pressure, ears, cat ears, nose, and mouth.

"Why is he throwing up? He's been like this for, what? An hour. Constantly being sick," Harry informs curiously, breaking the eerie silence.

Dr. Logan shrugs, smiling and straightening. "I think you just have a simple case of food poisoning. You'll be fine. Just drink a lot of water, and don't move around a lot. It should be gone once its out of your system."

"W-what gave poisoning?" Harry asks.

"Oh, it could be anything," Dr. Logan informs dismissively. "Sometimes raw meat, but it could be anything. You didn't have any raw meat, now did you?" She clarifies. Louis shakes his head, his eyes wide. She nods. "Okay, good. I'll see you soon."

Once she leaves, Harry asks his Sub if he needs anything. Louis makes grabby hands at him, his eyes watering. Harry holds him, cuddling into as he silently cries into the older mans chest.

Awww! Louis' sick...


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