Chapter Eighteen

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"No, no. Hurts, hurts. 'Icky, 'icky."

Harry kisses Louis' back as the little Neko empties his stomach into the hospital toilet and whimpers. Harrys never heard him speak like this and its kind of alluring, scaring him a bit, but he just kisses his young husbands neck and rubs his tummy, a small pooch that he completely missed under his fingertips. He makes a mental note to set up a doctors appointment for his kitten.

"I know, kitten, I know. Its okay. Just calm down," Harry soothes, rubbing the base of Louis' tail. The boy takes a few deep breaths, finally leaning back against his Dominant with closed eyes. "You done, kitten?"

Louis nods weakly, "Yeh, Daddy."

Harry slips his hand under Louis' legs and picks up the completely limp boy, the Neko draping himself over his husbands arms. Harry, with a bit of a struggle, turns on the water faucet and cups his hand under the steady flow of cold water. He brings it to Louis' mouth and lets him drink from the pool his cupped hand forms.

"Spit it out, babe?" He whispers. Louis swishes the water around his mouth for a bit before softly leaning over and spitting the water into the sink, whimpering and cuddling into Harrys chest.

Harry wipes his hand on his jeans and places it on his Submissives forehead, feeling heat radiate off of him. "Oh, kitten. You got a fever."

Louis sniffs and cuddles into him, shivering slowly. Harry hefts him up more and carries him from the room.

Meanwhile, Zayn's jaw drops.

"No! No, babe, please.! Please!" He sits on the bed, reaching over to caress his husbands arm. "No. Please, just think about this. Is this really what you want?"

"No! Of course it isn't!" Niall sobs, holding Dante close to his chest as the kitten squirms a bit. "I don't want this. I love you so much. I don't want to break our family apart. But...Z, I can't do this anymore. You know how insecure I am and you know - "

"What? Babe, I didn't know you were insecure. Why...what?"

"Of course you did..." Niall murmurs, kissing little Dante's fuzzy head. He refuses to meet Zayn's eyes.

"Babe..." Zayn rubs his calloused hands up and down Niall's thigh, getting closer to his hip every time. "You have nothing to be insecure about. You're my beautiful little kind snowflake. You're so smart and sweet. You look out for Louis like he's your brother and you're the best mother I've ever seen. I love you so much, you have no idea - "

"Then why did you do that?" Niall whispers.

Zayn shakes his head. "I don't know. I honestly have no idea. But these last days without you have been Hell. I've been in the waiting room texting Harry but he keeps ignoring me and says he doesn't want me near you or Louis. They eventually kick me out and I sleep in the car to do it all over again. You have no idea how much the cops hate me right now. I realize I love you and our little babies more than anything and I...I need you."

A small tear drop falls onto Dante's head, making him huff and squirms unhappily, glaring up at Niall, who wipes under his eyes. "I have to think about it..."

"Please don't...just...please," Zayn whispers.

Niall nods softly, moving slowly onto his back, wincing slightly. He cradles Dante.

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