Chapter Seventeen

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"I hate this so much," Niall complains, picking at his Jell-o with a spoon in one hand, bouncing little Dante as he feeds softly with the other. "It seriously tastes like blood, not even kidding."

Louis bites his lip, his stomach grumbling at the word. All he can think about is blood. The stoney, bitter taste lighting up his taste bud. His eyes widen as he unblinkingly stares at the black and white patterned floor, his shoulders falling with a low growl. The sweet scent fills his nostrils and his chest tightens. His pupils blow out, a small ring of crystal clear blue swimming in an ocean of black death. He glares at Harry hungrily, licking his pink lips. His red tongue darts out as the older man quickly types something out on his phone, completely oblivious to the tiny hybrid stalking his every move. Louis' eyes stare at a spot on Harry's bare upper arm, his gray T-shirt not long enough to cover the fleshy area.

Harry jumps with a soft yelp, his hand dropping the phone on his lap to swat at the fangs stuck in his arm. In the ruckus, he accidentally hits Louis in the head quite harshly. Louis lets out a small scream, his eyes filling with tears as he places one hand on his injured ear and the other over his mouth. Once his fangs minimize, he murmurs, "So sorry, Daddy. So so sorry. I don't know...Daddy, I'm so sorry."

Harry shakes his head and pulls Louis onto his lap. "No. No, Kitten. Baby, it's okay. Honest mistake."

"I bit you. I bit you," Louis chants brokenly, shaking his head as hot tears fall down his cheeks. "I bit you, Daddy!"

"Kitten, its okay. Just a small nitch. Nothing much," Harry assures.
Niall is watching, wide eyed, scooting over to the side of the bed to grab a few tissues. He wiggles over to Harrys side, handing him the bundle, all with one hand tightly cradling Dante.

Harry takes the tissues and wipes Louis' eyes, kissing the tear treks. "No, babe, don't cry. Its okay. I'm alright...just why?"

Louis bites his lips. "N-ni said b-blood and I um I don't know. S-something c-clicked."

Harry frowns, placing his hand on Louis' forehead for a fever. "You're not sick..." His eyes widen, his large hand softly manhandling Louis, running it down his face and neck, over his chest to his stomach. Niall's jaw falls open from the bed and he lets out a squeal, softening his voice when Dante growls, his eyes furrowing in anger deep in his slumber.

Louis draws in a deep breath, looking up at Harry with huge blue eyes, swimming in tears. He bites his lip and wraps his small arms around Harrys waist, leaning against his chest. "Ya think?" He lays the bottom of his chin against Harrys chest so he can look up and and nuzzle his nose into his husbands chin.

Harry shrugs. "Maybe."

They're silent for a minute before Harry speaks up timidly, "Its not...he didn't...he didn't like violate you, did he?"

Louis' eyes widen in question. "Excuse me?" He whispers.

Harry clears his throat. "He didn't...violate you, did he? Its not..."

Louis gasps, "No, he didn't. Just touchey."

Harry nods his head and holds Louis tighter. "Good."


"Ma! Ma! Ma!" Jet babbles, shimmying his shoulders as Louis holds him on his lap.

"What, baby?" He coos, nuzzling his nose with his sons. Jet squeals loudly and sits down, sleepily snuggling into his mother. Harry pecks Louis' cheek.

"No!" Jax exclaims, pulling Harry back from his spot on his lap. "Icky!"

Harry gasps. "Its icky? So I can't do this?" He kisses Louis' forehead. Louis giggles as Jax squeals, his eyes wide as he shakes his head. "Or this?" Harry teases, planting his lips on Louis' human ear, gripping it between his lips and tugging on it lightly, growling like a dog. Jax screams loudly, pulling Harry's curls.

The Difference Between Storm and Silence {Larry}•{BDSM}•{Hybrid}•{MPreg}Where stories live. Discover now