Chapter Twenty One

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"Mr. Malik, there's a call for you on line one," a shrill, nasally voice barks boredly over the intercome. Zayn rolls his eyes and presses the button, pausing his typing for a bit.

The couple in front of him glare at each other childishly, as if blaming the other for the interruption.

"Thank you, Vanessa," Zayn notes, holding his finger up at the couple. He presses "1" and brings the phone to his ear. "Hello, this is Zayn Malik - "

"Shut the fuck up, you cunt. I know who you are!"

Zayn's eyebrows raise. "Hello to you, too, Harry." He leans back in his chair, crossing his legs.

"Get to the hospital," Harry says curtly. Zayn frowns and sits forward immediately.

"What - "

"Just do it! For once in your life do something someone says! I'm hear with Niall and Dante. You better get your arse over here for questioning in the next - "

"Questioning?" Zayn echoes, interrupting the younger mans rant, standing up.

"Yes! Fucking questioning! That's what I fucking said!"

"Harry," Zayn says calmly. "You need to calm the fuck down - "

"I can't calm the fuck down!" Harry yells over the line. "My husband has been kidnapped right after being in a major car accident and I don't where he is or what even fucking happened, so you better get your arse down to the hospital to see your husband and your son and to see the fucking officers for fucking questioning because you don't know what's going on, or maybe you do, and I'm really confused and really fucked up at the moment and I just need Louis and my child and my children but at the same time I don't because I'm gonna blow up and do something I'll fucking regret and when you get here you'll be greeted by a nice foot up your arse and a punch in your face and you better get here now!"

Zayn gasps. "What? Harry? Louis' in trouble? You're not making any sen - "

"I am well aware of that!" Harry screams.

"Ha - " the lawyer is cut off by the loud beeps over the phone. He sighs in exasperation and grabs his stuff. "I'm sorry. From what I understood, my husbands in the hospital. I have to leave. We'll reschedule eventually. I'll get back to you."

He rushes from the room without hearing a reply and he's down the elevator and into his car in under a minute. He arrives at the hospital in twenty minutes, immediately going up to the front desk.

"Mr. Niall Malik?" He asks demandingly. The receptionist nods, his golden blonde hair flopping.

"3-347. Third floor," he says in a small voice, stuttering a bit. Zayn rolls his eyes and leaves the desk in haste, mumbling something along the lines of "stupid as fuck teenagers" under his breath.

When he arrives at the door, he doesn't bother to knock before entering, seeing his small Sub curled up on the bed laying on his stomach, sobbing into the pillow. Dante is set in a bassinnette next to him, asleep. Two police officers are crowded around him, their tall, domineering energies radiating around the room. They try to ask again what happened, but Niall just cries louder.

Zayn fumes, storming up and shoving one of the officers away from his devastated husband. "Get the fuck away from him! Can't you see he's destroyed!?"

Niall cries harder upon hearing his Dominants loud voice. Zayn immediately sits down on the bed next to him and picks up the small limp boy. Niall immediately clings onto him, burying deep in his chest and sobbing loudly.

"Its my fault! Its my fault!" He babbles.

"No! Kitten. It couldn't have been. Stop crying, babe. You're gonna work up your heart and then - "

The moment Harry walks in, his eyes glossy and lips bitten a raw pink, his face hardens and his entire body tenses. He strides forward and gasps Zayn by the scruff of his neck, pulling him to his feet. Niall falls onto the bed, his head hitting the wall with a thud. He gasps and starts to cry louder, the white pad that was covering his gash starting to turn a sickening red cover as it soaks with blood.

Zayn struggles in the taller mans grip, eventually swinging a punch at him.

"Shit!" Harry curses, letting go of the man to cup his swelling eye. Zayn immediately falls onto the bed next to Niall, who's cradling his head and crying p, looking Niall in the eyes. The small boys eyelids slowly flutter shut as his body completely limps, falling over. Zayn gasps, catching him in his arms.

"Go get a nurse!" Zayn barks at Harry. The man glares at him for a second before laying his small boy down, and standing next to him. He gasps loudly when a small drop of red blood becomes visible under Niall's nose. "No. God no. No," Zayn mumbles. He kneels down next to the bed, grabbing his small Submissives hand. "Baby, please. Can you hear me?"

No response.

Just then Harry bursts in with a nurse. Zayn stands up, not letting go of Niall's hand. "He's having an episode. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Help him."

The nurse rushes forward with a syringe and an IV bag, hooking the bag up to the pole and inserting the syringe. She takes the needle and inserts it in the dominant vein on Niall's arm. She opens the top buttons of his gown and presses multiple sensors on his chest, hooking them up to some machines. She places a heart monitor on his finger.

The heart scan machine automatically starts beeping loudly and quickly. Zayn scuttles around to the other side of the bed and sits down next to his love, biting his lips and fingernails.

The nurse looks at him over her glasses. "Hes not getting enough oxygen. I have to put him on oxygen to calm his heart."

Zayn nods frantically as she grabs an oxygen mask and and places it over Niall's mouth and nose, pressing a button on the side. The plastic fogs up before Niall's chest expands as he takes a breath. A few moments later, his dull eyes flutter open, followed by violent coughs and the heart monitor beeping loudly.

"Sh, sh, baby," Zayn coos, sitting closer to him and pushing his hair from his face lightly. "Babe, sh, calm down. Its okay. I'm right here. Its okay."

Niall calms down, his wide eyes watching Zayn before he bursts into tears. Zayn gasps and pulls him close, rubbing his back and ears. "Its okay, baby. Its okay."

Zayn holds him close as Niall whimpers, "I want L-lou."

Harry looks down, his chest tightening. "Me too," he whispers.


"Shut up, you little bitch!" A loud smack echoes around the basement before Louis falls to the ground, tears free-flowing down his face as he cups his cheek. His body burns and his head pounds from being dragged down the steps after trying to escape. His hunger from not being fed for days fades, looks minuscule next to the pain he's feeling now.

"Trying to escape, huh?" Liam booms, grabbing Louis' hair and pulling him to his weak feet, holding him above the ground. Louis reaches up shakily with one hand, gripping Liam's hand to get him off, the other moving to his stomach. But he quickly remembers - Liam doesn't know.

So his hand just dangles there by his side as he cries weakly. Liam rams his small, fragile body against the concrete wall. A jolt of pain runs up and down his spine and tail. The back of his head hits the wall as black spots dance in his vision.

Liam's free hand comes up to wrap around Louis' neck, squeezing. His other hand leaves the small boys hair. Louis gasps for air and scrambles around, trying to get free. Liam just squeezes, his fingers digging into Louis' neck. Louis cries weakly.

Just as Louis starts to pass out, Liam releases him, falling to the ground and feeling dizzy. His head hits the floor. Liam grabs the back of his head and slams his forehead against the ground, successfully knocking him out.

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