Chapter Sixteen

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Niall blinks sleepily as his Dominant carries him up the front stairs and unlocks the door. Dante snuggles in the nook between his fathers chests and sleeps soundly, his face nuzzled in Zayn's ribs. Niall yawns and Zayn kisses his forehead.

Louis and Harry are talking quietly on the couch, Harrys right knee pulled up and elbow placed on the back of the couch. Louis has his left knee pulled up as he cuddles into his Dominants chest, playing with his hair as the older man talks to him. Louis nods quietly, frowning. His ears perk up when the door opens. He gasps loudly and jumps up, running to his friend and former Dominant.

"Why the Hell are you here? You should be at the hospital!" Louis exclaims, running his hand through Niall's hair. He trails along as they go to the downstairs bedroom.

"Louis!" Harry yells, following them.

Louis cringes. "Sorry."

Harry rolls his eyes and grabs a glass, pouring ice and water inside before strolling into the bedroom and closing the door as Zayn lays Niall down and cradles Dante. Niall whines and reaches for him. Zayn slides in behind him and pulls Niall to lay in between his legs, giving Niall the bundle and snuggling them both, setting his chin on his Submissives shoulder.

Louis bites his nails nervously while watching, jumping when Harry wraps his arm around his waist and hands Zayn the water, flicking his head toward Niall. Zayn mouths his thanks to his friend and presses the rim of the glass to Niall's lips and lets him drink.

Niall sinks further into Zayn's chest and closes his eyes.

Louis looks up at Harry and whispers, "I think he needs to go to the hospital."

"Why?" Harry whispers back, leaning a bit to get closer.

"He's so pale."

"He's always pale."

Louis snorts. "I know that. But he's usually so bubbly."

"He just had a child, Louis. You weren't all sunshine after ours," Harry tells him.

Louis huffs, sitting next to Niall and rubbing his knee. Niall's asleep. Zayn kisses his cheek and gets up, laying his husband back and biting his lip. "Louis? Can I talk to you outside please?"

Louis swallows and nods, following the taller man out. Harry gives a look and a swift kiss to his forehead. Louis shrugs and shuts the door, padding along the trail of footsteps to the front porch, where Zayn is waiting, his arms crossed as he leans against the post.

He flicks his head to symbolize Louis to close the door. Louis bites his lip and follows the instruction because who is he to deny the powerful Dominant? He silently counts the walls and doors between himself and Harry, wondering if the man will hear him if he screams loud enough. God knows no one else will.

"Why don't you trust me?" Zayn asks softly.

Louis frowns, pursing his lips. "What makes you think you earned my trust?" He whispers.

Zayn sighs, exasperatingly running a hand through his long raven coloured hair. "I've given Niall all my love, all my heart. I've tried and tried and I know I fucked up at the end of our relationship, but - "

"Fucked up?" Louis scoffs. "Fucked up? You did so much more than that, sir! You almost killed me out of pure jealousy! You tied me up right when I got out of the hospital -"

"After giving birth to two kids you made illegally with my best friend! You cheated on me!" Zayn exclaims.

"Why does it matter? You don't love me and I don't love you and we're in love now, so everything is good, so I advice, sir, -" Louis says smartly. " - that you get inside and comfort your husband. You know? The man who just gave birth to your fourth child."

The Difference Between Storm and Silence {Larry}•{BDSM}•{Hybrid}•{MPreg}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang