Chapter Twenty Six

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Zayn is mad. No. Scratch that. He's livid. So fucking livid. That's his husband and that guy needs to back the fuck off. And Niall, being his oblivious little self, doesn't understand the word flirting which, in Zayn's book, someone shouldn't do if they are married and there is a ring clearly on his finger.

He strides quickly across the waiting room when the last straw is pulled. That fucking douchebag put his fucking hand on fucking Niall's fucking chest. No. Nuh uh. No one does that. 1) hand on chest implies Dominance and last time anybody checked, Niall was so far from Dominant that he can't even see the word. And 2) he fucking put his hand on Niall fucking Malik's fucking chest!!!

Zayn wraps his hand around the small boys arm and sends a sickeningly sweet smile to the tall, rugged looking brunette in front of the two. "I hate to barge in on your conversation, but i really need to have a word with MY HUSBAND," he makes sure to put a lot more emphasis on husband and my. Can't blame a guy for getting jealous.

The brunette blinks. "Sure, man. No hard feelings."

Zayn lets out a small laugh. "I wasn't asking."

The still unnamed brunette rolls his eyes. "Whatever. See you later, Nate."

Niall smirks and nods as Zayn practically drags him away, storming into the restroom and silently praying no one was in there. Thank God all the stalls were empty. Zayn quickly flicks the lock of the large, handicapped cell and whirls around, slamming Niall back by his shoulders.

Niall whimpers.

"Nate?" Zayn growls.

Niall nods shakily. "I-I didn't want him t-to know my real name 'cause you'd get mad..." he whispers.

Zayn practically steams. "You thought I'd get mad if you told him your real fucking name? You didn't think I'd get mad if you talked to him - period! Let only let him put his hands on you!"

"It was a friendly gesture," Niall sasses, biting his lip in question.

Zayn rolls his eyes. "It didn't look so friendly in his eyes. I could practically see his lust for you."

Niall took in a shaky breath, squirming a bit at the proximity of their bodies. Zayn grabs his wrists and lifts them up, locking them in one hand above the small boys head. A shiver runs down the Submissives spine as the cold tile makes contact with his pale skin. The elder man moves his knee between the boys legs, pressing on his crotch. Niall throws his head back against the wall amd moans loudly.

Zayn leans forward and ghosts his lips over his husbands collar bone, leaving a hot, open-mouthed kiss in the small dip right above it. The space deepens with sensation as the small boy tenses everywhere, opening his pink mouth to pant into the warm air.

"Did you happen to mention to this boy...that you were married?" Zayn whispers coldly, nibbling on Niall's earlobe. He gently takes the soft skin between his teeth and tugs, shaking his head like a dog.

Niall whimpers, choking out, "He w-was just being friendly. Didn't mean anything."

Zayn hums. "The mans eyes said otherwise." He grips Niall's hip with one hand, pushing him down, making sure to keep the young boys wrists encased in his right hand. Niall whimpers as he gets on his knees, feeling the cold rings on his Doms hand pressing into his skin. "If you want to be a slut, you'll be treated like one." Niall squeaked in his throat, a high pitched whine escaping his lips. "Suck me off, pet."

Niall nods eagerly, looking up and waiting for Zayn to get ready. The man rolled his eyes. "Unzip me." Niall furrows his eyebrows, pouting out his lips as he looks straight forward at his Dominants crotch. He tilts his head to the side and tries to think about how to do this. Zayn sighs, rolling his head back. "Use your teeth..."

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