Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Can anyone think of doing a trailer for this story, or the first one. Idc, but if you have some free time...

"J'adore vous traveiler." Harry frowns and looks up from his paperwork, taking off his glasses when Louis kisses his cheek, just wearing a big black jumper, white lace panties hidden underneath, and his black nerdy glasses perched on his nose.

"What?" Harry asked lowly. Louis smiles, turning on the kettle and facing his Dom. He sits on the opposite side of the table and places his chin in his palm, smiling a slow, dopey smile.

"J'ai dit quand j'adore vous travailler. Regardez si chaud Daddy."
(I said I love it when you work. Look so hot, Daddy.)

Harry blushes, looking down and shuffling his paperwork. "When did you learn French?"

Louis smiles, playing shyly with the tablecloth. "I told you I've had some extra time. Ive heard you talking on the phone and wanted to learn it. Like our own secret language, though it clearly isnt."

Harry stood up, going over to his love and sitting on the table sideways in front of him. He cups Louis cheek in one hand, searching the kittens face with wide green eyes. "How much have I been neglecting you?" He whispers, frightened that if he speaks any louder, his voice'll crack and the tears that he's desperately trying to keep back will fall and show his Sub that he is not as hard and cold as he wants him to think.

But Louis knows better. He knows Harry's fears and he knows Harry more than Harry even knows Harry. He knows all his deepest secrets and darkest thoughts. His fears and wishes and dreams. That's love. Louis reaches up and caresses his Dominants cheek softly, pulling him down for a slow kiss.

He smiles when he pulls back, running his fingers up and down Harrys strong jawline. "Youre getting some stubble," he notes, murmuring lowly.

Harry takes a deep breath, "Yeah, I guess so. I've been working so much. Guess I forgot..." Louis nods softly, his gaze flickering down to watch the white floor tiles. "That's not the only thing I've forgotten."

"Daddy, Il n'est pas de votre faute. Je ne suis pas fâché contre vous," Louis tells him sincerely.
(Daddy, it isn't your fault. I'm not mad at you."

Harry hums. "Vous savez que je vous aime, sweetheart."
(You know I love you, sweetheart.)

Louis nods. "Vous savez que je vous aime trop, Daddy."
(You know I love you too, Daddy.)

Harry groans, kissing Louis hungrily. Louis grunts and circles his arms around Harry's neck, letting the elder man pull him up onto the table and lay him down. Harry straddles the Nekos thighs and tugs on his panties. "What if I fucked you? Right here. Right now. All swallowed up in my jumper. These panties stretched against your arse. Do you want that, kitten?"

"Yes, yes, Daddy, very much," Louis moans.

Harry pulls Louis panties to the side, seeing his hole dripping slick. "Oh, Kitten," Harry coos, removing his jeans and briefs. "We gotta make this quick. You got a doctor appointment in an hour."

Louis groans. "Fuck me déjâ!"
(Fuck me already)


"We could possibly switch your medication, but that might take up to three weeks," Dr. Logan tells them apologetically. Louis blinks sleepily, barely paying attention to the words coming out of her mouth. He has his temple on Harry's shoulder, watching with wide eyes as his Dom speaks, his gestitulating movements making his curls bounce. Louis giggles and swats at a curl, smiling lazily.

After Harry fucked him on the table, he jumped around for a while trying to get his white skinny jeans on. Harry walked in right as he was bent over to pick up his shoes and ended up fucking him against the mirror. When Zayn and Niall showed up, Louis cooed over his best friends baby bump, both of them being easily distracted, and Harry had to basically rip him from the house. Harry fucked him again in the bathroom, claiming how hot it was when Louis obeyed him when he told the Sub to "not say a word to anyone you feel like you cannot trust", so - no - Louis isn't out of it from the medication. He's just thoroughly, completely, and utterly fucked.

Harry nods to the doctor. "That's fine. We just need to fix it, I get a bit protective of him."

Louis nips Harry earlobe. "I like when you're protective of me, Daddy." His small hand trails up Harry's torso teasingly. "You're so sexy..." Harry catches Louis' wrist in his large hand and Louis giggles.

"Don't make me hard, Princess. Or I'll have to take you in the car," Harry growls in Louis' ear. The kitten shivers and squeezes his thighs together.

Dr. clears her throat. "Well, I'll sign you up for that and you'll get the call when its ready," she dismisses herself, leaving the room in a whirl of paper and cherry blossom scented perfume.

Harry glanced over at the bed. "I'm gonna fuck you right on that bed," he groans, squeezing Louis arse. Louis squeaks in surprise, blushing furiously.

"But, Daddy," he whispers. "What if we get caught?"

"Just don't be loud, how about that?" Harry proposes, picking the Neko up and throwing him on the hard bed. Louis gasps when the paper underneath him crinkles loudly. Harry straddles him and connects their lips. He pulls back when Louis groans. "Do I need to gag you?"

Louis gasps, asking as innocently as he possibly can, knowing how it turns Harry on for days. He flutters his long eyelashes. "With what, Daddy?"

Harry groans, dipping down to kiss his husbands prominent collarbone. "You know exactly what you do to me, huh, kitten?"

Louis nods frantically, moaning out in ecstasy. "So wet, Daddy. So wet for you."

Harry yanks down Louis' skinnies and panties, discarding them and his own. He wraps his inked arms around Louis' curvy waist to circle his gaping hole. The ring of muscle flutters under his cold touch. Louis groans at the sensitivity, rutting his angry cock up against his Dominant.

"Daddy, quickly," he pants.

"Are you sure, kitten?" Harry teases. "You already seem fucked out. Maybe we should go home and take a nap."

Louis shakes his head. "Daddy, Daddy, please. I'm fine. I'll be good. I swears."

Harry hums, grabbing lube from his jeans. He spreads the gel on his length before slamming right into the tiny Submissive. Louis moans loudly. Harry loosens his tie, removing the gray material to cover Louis' mouth with.

"Gotta be quiet, kitten," he grunts. "Don't wanna get caught."

Louis nods, rolling his hips. Harry snaps into him. Soon Louis is reaching his end, moaning and whimpering until he cums untouched all over his stomach. Feeling his Sub clench around him, his nut catching on his rim, Harry cums, thrusting slower until he softens and pulls out.

Louis breathes heavily, more than half asleep. Harry cleans them up and picks up his fucked out Sub, carrying him to the car and not sparing a glance at any of the people giving them weird, curious, mortified, or, even disgusted, looks.

That was shorter than usual but I wanted to get it out there. Here ya go!! Hope the smut satisfied you. It wasn't my best, or even that good, but meh.


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