The Problem have to be Solve

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Gabriella walks over to her locker as Troy, unaware that Gabriella knows what he said, makes his way over to her.

"Hey, how you doin'? Listen, there's something I wanna talk to you about." Then Gabriella turn to face Troy.

"I know what it's like to carry a load with your friends. I get it. You've got your boys, Troy. It's OK. So we're good."

"Good about what? I was gonna talk to you about the final callbacks."

"I don't wanna do the callbacks either. Who are we trying to kid? You've got your team and now I've got mine. I'll do the scholastic decathlon and you'll win the championships. It's where we belong. Go, Wildcats." Then Gabriella hand out the copy of the songs.

"But I..."

"Me neither." Then Gabriella walks away.

"Gabriella?" Then the Wildcat parade arrives at the lockers.

"Go Wildcats!"

Outdoor basketball court where the Wildcats are practicing. Chad calls to Troy as he passes.

"Hey, Captain!" Chad tries to give Troy the basketball he's carrying, but Troy refuses and runs off.

"What's with Troy?"

"Don't worry about it." Troy's house, Coach Bolton walks out onto the porch to watch Troy who is shooting some hoops. He misses again and again. In his anger he catches a missed shot and hurls the ball against the side gate. Coach Bolton walks back inside the house, helpless. Meanwhile at Gabriella's house, Gabriella is standing on her deck in deep thought.


Troy and Gabriella cross paths on their way to their seats. Neither says anything. Taylor notices Gabriella and makes a motion for Gabriella to come and sit. Troy tries to say something but Gabriella walks off and sits at a different table before he can get anything out. Taylor notices this.Chad sees Troy and calls to him.

"Troy! Hey."

Troy sees Chad but doesn't come. Instead he leaves the cafeteria. Gabriella steals a glance at Troy as he leaves.Chad and Taylor have seen this and both get up have a talk.


Troy is sitting miserably as Chad, Zeke, and Jason arrive.

"Hey, um... We just had another team meeting."

"Oh... wonderful."

"We had a team meeting about how we haven't been acting like a team. I mean us, not you. Look, about the singing thing..."

"Look, dude, I don't even wanna talk about it."

We just want you to know that we're gonna be there. OK, cheering for you."


"Yeah, if singing is something you wanna do, we should be boosting you up, not tearing you down."

"Yeah. Win or lose, we're teammates. That's what we're about. Even if you turn out to be the worst singer in the world."

"Which we don't know because we haven't actually heard you sing."

"And you're not gonna hear me sing, guys. Because Gabriella won't even talk to me... and I don't know why."

"We do." Zeke reaches into his lunch bag and takes out two items which resemble sugar cookies.

"I baked these fresh today. You'll probably want to try one before we tell you the rest."

Science classroom

"Gabriella, we were jerks. No, we were worse than jerks because we were mean jerks. We thought Troy and the whole singing thing was killing our chances of having you on the scholastic decathlon team." Taylor begin talking with Gabriella.

"I heard what he had to say. I'm on your team now. Done."

"No, not done. We knew that Chad could get Troy to say things to make you want to forget about the callbacks. We planned it, and we're embarassed and sorry."

"No one forced Troy to say anything. And you know what? It's OK. We should be preparing for the decathlon now, so it's time to move on."

"No, it's not OK. The decathlon is whatever, but how you feel about us, and even more, Troy - that's what really matters."

Gabriella simply turns and continues what she was writing on the board.

"We tried."

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