Detention Time

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Detention (Ms. Darbus Style)

"Gold! More gold!" Ms. Darbus walk by Troy and Chad to inspect their work. As Miss Darbus walks off, Taylor hurries excitedly over to Gabriella, holding the printed article about Gabriella.

"The answer is yes!" Taylor said and Gabriella doesn't notice what is happening.

"Huh?" Gabriella is very confuse.

"Our scholastic decathlon team has it's first competition next week, and there is certainly a spot for you."

"Where did those come from?" Gabriella just notice the print out in Taylor's hand.

"Didn't you put them in my locker?"

"Of course not."

"Oh, well, we'd love to have you on our team. We meet almost everyday after school. Please?" Taylor beg Gabriella to join.

"I need to catch up on the curriculum here before I think about joining any clubs."

"Well, what a perfect way to get caught up. Meeting with the smartest kids in school. What a generous offer, Taylor." The conversation has not gone unnoticed....

"So many new faces in detention today. I hope you don't make a habit of it, but the drama club could always use an extra hand. And while we are working, let us probe the mounting evils of cell phones."


"Come on guys, huddle up! We got two weeks to the big game." Coach Bolton look around and notice that Troy and Chad are not here.

"Where's Troy and Chad?" Silence from the team. Coach Bolton is not pleased.

"Don't make me ask again." Silence again. Coach Bolton has had it.

"WHERE'S TROY AND CHAD?!" Coach Bolton shout.

Coach Bolton storms off to the auditorium. Meanwhile in the audtitorium, Chad has fallen asleep and Troy is tickling his nose with a paper leaf.

"Perhaps the most heinous example of cell phone abuse is ringing in the theater. What temerity! The theater is a temple of art. A precious cornucopia of creative energy." Coach Bolton arrives and his not happy at all.

"Where's my team, Darbus?" Coach Bolton notices Troy and Chad in the prop tree.

"What the heck are those two doing in a tree?" Coach Bolton was so angry.

"It's called crime and punishment, Bolton. Besides, proximity to the arts is cleansing for the soul."

"Can we have a talk, please?" Coach Bolton said to Ms. Darbus calmly.

"And you two, in the gym, now!" Then he shout to Troy and Chad. Troy and Chad get out of the tree and leave the auditorium.


"If they have to paint sets for detention, they could do it tonight, not during my practice." Coach Bolton said.

"If these were theater performers instead of athletes, would you seek special treatment?"

"Darbus, we are days away from our biggest game of the year."

"And we, Bolton, are in the midst of our auditions for our winter musicale as well! This school is about more than just young men in baggy shorts flinging balls for touchdowns!"

"Baskets! They shoot baskets." Coach Bolton and Ms. Darbus had a big fight in the principle room. Then the principle said...

"Stop! Guys listen, you've been having this arguement since the day you both started teaching here. We are one school, one student body, ONE FACULTY! Can we not agree on that?"
Coach Bolton and Miss Darbus shoot each other a glare.

"So, Coach, how's the team lookin'?" The principle ask Coach Bolton.

"Oh!" Miss Darbus storms off as Principal Matsui shoots a little ball into a miniature basket.


"West High Knights have knocked us out of the playoffs three years running, and now we are one game away from taking that championship right back from 'em! It's time to make our stand. The team is you. You are the team. And this team does not exist unless each and every one of you is fully focused on our goal. Am I clear?"

"Hey, what team?!" Chad shouted loudly.

"Wildats!" All the team shouted.

"What team?"


"What team?"




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