18 - Long-lost Kitty

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A/N: So... My time settings are quite messed up and some events that happened in the story are highly unlikely to happen since it was SS4 period back then but... Eh~ SOME events that will happen further may not be also likely to happen but bear with me~ I did some research though, to make this a wee bit realistic on the next chapters :) I ranted too much, huh? Heh... Uh... Do go on...


Minjoo's POV

Currently, the idiots aren't around because they have this Super Show 4 thing in Indonesia. Cool. Idiot-free zone at last~ And we're still here because Umma called and said that we just stay here for a while, she's still with Halmeoni in Daegu. Yes, originally we're from Daegu... Or my grandparents were? I don't know... It's a series of moving to and fro between Daegu and Seoul, I guess. Since they don't really get along that well and all~ Minra and me were kind of used to the dorms anyways.

Oh, and the Music Activity thing? Nailed it! We did a guitar duet and we sang as well... Mochi convinced me that my voice was good. Not to brag or anything, but... We got the highest score~ Well, maybe because I was paired with a Super Junior (yes, finally got their name, hurrah~) member. Whatever, at least we got the highest score.

I picked up the guitar and started strumming to some random song. I got better with the guitar with some practice here and there.

The door opened and a well-dressed Minra entered. She's going out I guess.

"Minjoo~" I don't like that tone...

"Where are you going with this?" Although I think I already know. She'll ask me to go with her.

"What are you talking about?" she asked oh-so innocently. Innocent... Psh.

"Please, get on with it already."

"Go shopping with me?"





"I said no."

"..." she took in a deep breath.

" Aegyo won't work." She pouted. I know her too well.

"Okay~" she said and sighed. "Be back at 6."

"Okay, bye~"

She left and I went back to my strumming. Suddenly, I felt the sense of boredom striking me again. I just laid on my bed and let my eyes roam around the room until they focused on a tiny cat figurine on the bedside table.





Okay... We're in some music program watching some group's comeback or whatever it's called. I don't even know why we're here. All I know is turtle boy with the help of Minra dragged me here. Whyyy~? Although, I'd say these guys are pretty good. A smaller group, consisting of 5 members with powerful dance moves. I have to learn that dance someday. I was so drawn to their performance that I didn't even notice that they're finished.

I saw the weird turtle boy with armfuls of drinks and snacks. Poor boy. Minra and I helped carry some.

"Why are there lots of banana milk?" I asked "...and chicken?" Yesung just chuckled and shrugged. Minra just giggled. Eh, whatever... I guess.

We went to a dressing room that probably belongs to the group we're visiting.

Shiny? That's a weird name for a group... SM Ent. groups sure does have weird group names. I mean, who'd name their group Shiny? Or... Or... Super Junior?

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