Chapter 29: Feelings I Want to Hide

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Chapter 29: Feelings I Want to Hide

Willow Spire District 4 Female

I stare up at the small haggard frame before me, astonished at what he had just done.

Conrad, The little twelve-year-old from District Three, had killed Onyx. He killed a career, but not just any career, the career to beat. A capitol favorite, and a vicious killer. He had saved my life and taken one of the biggest threats in the game out in one swift motion.

Everything had happened so fast, and my head was swimming as I watched it happen. I couldn't discern everything, but I saw pieces. In a supernatural fashion, Conrad leaped from a nearby tree onto Onyx's back and drove a knife through his skull. The struggle was minimal, and Onyx was caught completely by surprise. The look on his face before he fell was one of awe, and he was dead before he hit the ground.

As I look at Onyx's body, Conrad's words finally start to sink in. Conrad has always been the rustle in the trees that I disregarded, he had left me the notes, and he has been helping me from the beginning. I refused Conrad's help, but he still helped me every step of the way. And what did he say? That Ford and him had made a deal?

"So, um, is it cool if we ally now?" I laughed, and then nodded in response. No matter how tough he tried to act, he was still twelve years old. Young and innocent and awkward sometimes, just like I was at his age.

"Cool, um, Willow?"


"Would you want to.... see Ford?" This pulls me from the haze and snaps me to attention.

"You know where he is?" He nods.

"Willow... before I take you to him, you need to know that he's dying. He's not in good shape, Onyx hurt him really bad,"

"I know," I say, still angry. Conrad frowns. "What are we waiting for? Take me to him!" I say gruffly.

"Then let's go," Conrad says, before taking off into the forest.

I rush off after him, only stopping to grab the small silver knife off of Onyx's belt. We run through the twist and turns of the forest, in the cold and wet air. The snow is coming down fast now, decorating my hair and suit and beginning to chill me to the bone. Conrad runs faster and faster as if we are in a race against time to see Ford, and I fear that we must be. He leads me to a small clearing next to a pond. As I get closer and closer I see what looks like a dead animal, but I know that it isn't. 

Ford comes into view at last, and he lays as a heap on the forest floor. The crystal white snow beneath him is met with the stark contrast of ruby red. Blood is pooling from his chest and face, and he is rocking back and forth and whimpering in pain. I run to him and kneel at his side. 

"Ford! Hey! Hey! It's Willow! Look at me, Hey! Stay with me Ford," I say to him, grabbing his face gingerly. 

"Will... Willow?"

"Yes! Yes! I'm here,"

"What... what are you doing here?"

"Conrad brought me to you," I say. Conrad shifts uncomfortably.

"Well then. Do you... do you like my new look?" He says gesturing to his eye. The words are obviously exhausting him, and I laugh a sad laugh.

"You are- looking good," What could I say to that?


"Why would Onyx do all this?"

"Well, meatheads usually go for each other,"

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