Chapter 25: Onyx's Kiss

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Chapter 25: Onyx's Kiss

Onyx Karayan District 2 Male

The action slowed to a grinding halt for the next two days. I couldn't find anyone for at least forty eight hours, and I was getting restless. Clumsy. I was ready for this all to be over, and I was ready for my life as a victor.

On the third day I finally found the girl from eight. She had eluded my capture for quite some time, and was hiding in an alcove in a rock. The rock was very close to my own cave, something I'm sure that she knew. Hiding so close to me made her very easy to overlook. Her hair, even having gone unwashed for so many days was still a shiny, glossy red. It was a beautiful color on a beautiful girl, a beautiful girl with a melodious voice. I liked her. Had we met under different circumstances, things would've been very different. She would've made a glorious wife.

I knocked her out and tied her wrists to a tree, making the bonds as tight as I could. I didn't want to gag her, as her voice was enchanting. I sat in front of her and admired everything about her. The way her hair fell, the way she looked while she was sleeping, each dainty eyelash, her small hands. I leaned in slowly and kissed her. I ran my hands through her hair, and though she was completely limp and unknowing, the kiss was still pleasurable.

Her eyes fluttered open after a few brief moments, and attempted to push me off of her. Her binds made it difficult for her, but she showed a significant amount of force, so I let up. 

"Onyx!" she screamed.


She stared me down fiercely, and tried to talk me into letting her go. I almost did, truly. I almost showed her mercy, but the games had gone on too long, and I was ready to end them. Ready to end everyone.

Thrusting a spear through her heart, I ended the game for her. The adrenaline it shoots through my body to kill and maim matches nothing else that I have ever felt, and I have missed it. I'm excited to keep moving and I was grateful for her sacrifice. It had given a much-needed boost of energy. As a reminder, I cut off a lock of her hair and stuffed it in my bag.

I returned to my camp and started on lunch, as I was very hungry.

Siren Mead Game Coordinator

The gamemaker, Argent Bates, is bored. He has been bored for a while now. The only action we have had for days is the Onyx boy and the girl Lyra. The capitol is bored out of their minds, and we must have some excitement. An idea sparks in my head and I run it by Argent. He likes it. Argent lets me take the microphone and announce it.

"Tributes. Listen." I pause. "The Gamemaker has asked me to inform you of something. The levels of mutations will be tripled until you all embrace the spirit of The Hunger Games. If you don't start to kill each other, we will kill you. The Cornucopia has been restocked with things you all need to survive. Use them wisely,"

Willow Spire District 4 Female

I'm not going to the Cornucopia. It's not a good move, and I already have everything I need.

I still have four no-smoke matches left. Plenty of matches, plenty of food, plenty of water. I considered going for medical supplies, as I'm running low on gauze for my shoulder. I'm worried about it getting infected, but I reason that it's not worth the risk. Giselle or Onyx is probably already heading there, or guarding the center.

It was dinner time, and I was hungry. I had a small animal in one of my snare traps, so I carved it up and cooked it over the fire. There was some melted snow waiting in my tin, and to be safe I boiled it to remove any bacteria. I was very thirsty, and I downed it very quickly.

A cannon fired.

I'm guessing that was the last District Twelve, and that he went for the Cornucopia. That was a very stupid move. He lasted a lot longer than any other twelve I've heard of though, so I silently commend him.

That night, I saw his face in the sky.

I knew that things were winding down, that there were only a few people left, only a few days left.

Onyx Karayan District 2 Male

A day went by without deaths. I could tell that there were a lot more mutations than there once were. I had to kill three Arctic Wolf mutations, and there were a couple of odd bugs that nearly stung me in my sleep. Who knows what effect that venom would have had on my body?

Honestly, I'm quite bored, and I need something to do other than cook food and find water.

As that thought crosses my mind a small package drifts from the sky. I run to it, knowing what it is.

Inside the small box lays a thin silver knife. Very sharp. Very easy to handle. Underneath that is a small slip of paper.

"Get back to doing what you are good at.


My mentor and the capitol wants me to get back to killing people, and I don't blame them. I'm bored too.

There's only a couple I need to take out before it's all over. One from three, one from nine. Giselle. The traitor Ford. The elusive Willow.

Who do I hunt down? Who do I need to kill? Who, of all people, do I want to kill?

The girl? The one who has escaped me from the very beginning?

No. That's not what I want.

I want the traitor dead.

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