Chapter 45: The Awakening

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Kerr's sudden recovery did not surprise the village elders. The village folks, the mothers, fathers, and children who are gathered once more around a big bonfire while munching roasted plantain and sweet potatoes. Everybody is waiting for Kuruku to say something. He is the voice of this tribe. He knows what someone else doesn't see, hear, nor think. They all stopped chatting when he stood up and addressed the tribe who are gathered that day to celebrate Kerr's waking up from a deep sleep."He saw what he wanted to see. He heard what he wanted to hear. It is enough for a wandering soul to go back to his mother. Engineer will find what he has lost in his life." All of them nodded their heads in agreement with what he said.

In a span of few days, Kerr's wounds healed. He still lacks the memory for everything that happened. Kuruku and the village doctors fed him with different leaves and roots that will cure his" forgetfulness" as Kuruku calls this ailment. " He needs to be healthy in mind and body. He needs to remember his way to look for what he lost."

Then one day, the engineer stood up from the makeshift bed. He was confused at first but as soon as he recognized them, he smiled and hugged each one of these people to whom he owed his life.

That night, Kerr and the village elders had a talk. He told them what he saw before the explosion:the government jeep parked under the acacia tree. The elders understood what this meant. They all agreed that they needed to protect the engineer much more now that he survived the explosion.

Writer's Message:

Who does Kuruku remind you of in your life? 

He can be anyone that knows a lot, not because  of classroom knowledge but experience wise.

We're getting there. Thank you for spreading the love!

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