Chapter 19: Q

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Chapter 19: Q

He came back to Canada for a summer holiday and was welcomed by his friends and

old chums. His  friend Donnely called him one day for the annual get-together as well as  to introduce 

his girlfriend and her cousin.

"Hey Q! Welcome home buddy!"

"Hey! Donnelly! Thank you. How are you?"

"Been great since you'd been away coz no one's bugging me all the time! Hahahha!"

But seriously, I'm glad you're back. And hey! You're just in time for the annual get

together. Would you consider my invitation for Saturday?"

"You're still a chatterbox Donnelly! Hahaha!  I can't promise youanything yetbecause

I'm staying at my parents.'' But if my sched is not tight, I'll be there...So you finally

trapped someone crazy enough to be your girlfriend, eh?"

'' We're both crazy so I guess, we clicked."

"How about you? Have you located her yet?"

Q responded to his friend with silence.

"Oh, I'm sorry Q. I don't mean to be this nosy..."

"It's okay Don. But to answer your question, no. Not yet. She's still somewhere and our

paths haven't crossed again yet. But I'm still hoping and waiting."

"I'm sorry to hear that Q. But  I'm glad you're home. Alright buddy...get your time zone adjusted and 

we'll see you on Saturday!"

"I don't promise you anything but I'll try my best to be there.''

Writer's message:

Q reminds us  of someone from Book 1, doesn't he?

Is it him?

Continue reading  and waiting  for the next chapters in KerrElle's story!

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