• netflix and chill and failed hang outs •

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• chapter ten • part 1. :)


Once the final bell had rang, I jumped up from my desk and bolted out of my math class.

I hurried to my locker, slinging it open and quickly my jamming my items inside.

I shut it gently before searching the bustling locker bay for Jared.

Why? I wanted to hang out with him. I mean, if I wanted to become friends with him I needed to get to know him better.

I found him in an instant, leaning against the wall patiently for his locker to clear up. Every day, many people would purposely stand by his locker and loiter, talking and pretending he didn't exist.

His hands were tucked into his cargo pants, his body slouched against the white painted wall.

I slung my backpack onto my back and headed towards him.

"Hi!" I happily greeted him--maybe too happy. I mentally winced when I heard my tone a second later.

I cleared my throat, a hint of color coming to my cheeks before disappearing. "Hello, Lia" Jared replied, raising a bushy brow.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me? Starbucks or my house?" I suggested, getting straight to the point.

Jared smirked cockily, crossing his muscular arms. "Netflix and Chill?" he teased, his smirk growing wider when he noticed the hot blush creeping to my cheeks.

I shoved his chest harshly, frowning. "No!" I barked, gritting my teeth.

Jared laughed, "I'm kidding! Sure. I mean, it doesn't really matter to me" he finally accepted, shrugging.

I smiled, "Great! Get your stuff and meet me at my car. I'll be waiting at the front" I informed him before (maybe too happily) skipping off.


I locked my phone and set it under my thigh when I saw Jared appear from the heavy black doors.

I rolled down the passenger window, "Jared!" I called, waving wildly.

He noticed me and sauntered over, yanking open the door and sliding in with his heavy backpack in between his feet.

"You sure your parents don't mind if I come over?" Jared asked, chewing on his bottom lip gently.

I licked my suddenly dry lips, my cheeks becoming hot. I avoided eye contact. "Yeah. They won't even be home" I assured him, my voice a mumble.

He shrugged, flicking the radio on and turning it to 93.9.

Rap filled the car, making me cringe and groan. "C'mon! This is shitty!" I whined, switching it to 99.5.

His head stopped bobbing and his fingers stopped drumming on his thighs. "I don't want to he listening to some motherfucking Taylor Swift" Jared gagged and flipped it back to the previous station.

We continued to fight over the radio music until I arrived at my home, parking in the gravel driveway.

I hopped out, grabbing my backpack out as well. Jared mimicking my actions and following me to the familiar cream colored door.

I unlocked the door easily, pushing it open.

The sound of my mother's chirpy laughter and my father's deep chuckle filled the house and I froze.

"Shit" I whispered.

My father and mother didn't like black people either. They were so used to the white community that whenever they saw a black person (which was rare) all they thought of was hate and distaste just because of their skin color.

"Is that you, Lia?" my mother crooned. I heard her padded feet and my father's booming footsteps following.

They appeared hand in hand. When my father looked up, anger, hate, and fury flashed through his face and he stormed towards Jared and I.

"What the hell is this nigger doing in my house?" My father boomed, his teeth gritted.

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