Leopart 2

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I listened attentively as Cancer told us what she wanted. Capricorn and I gave each other an evil glance we knew exactly what to do. I would go over to Aquarius and speak to her while Capricorn so the same with Picies and then Cancer will announce that all the single people get in the dance floor and dance Capricorn and I will pair Aquarius and Picies up and then let everything work out for the best. Yes I k ow its crappy but hey you gotta give the master  a break. I went over to Aquarius I knew I was a little tipsy but it was nothing to right home about.
"Yo Aqua how life" I said standing next to her.
"Life is fine and how is yours" she inquired.
"Um it's better than yours for sure I mean why are you here Aline why don't you dance girl get you party on you mother gave you a booty for a reason"
Aquarius starred at me for a  long time in silence.
"Um because I have no date"
"What about Picies" I asked wriggling my eyebrows.
She blushed unstoppably she liked him. I glanced over at Capricorn and Picies and be was blushing to. Now it was Cancer's turn to work her magic .
She went on stage and made an announcement.
"Ok this song is for all the single people out their grab a partner and dance."!
All the single people cheered.
I dragged Aquarius towards Picies.
"Well Picies " Capricorn whispered "ask her to dance"
Picies got a little shy and I got bored mama ain't got no time for this shyness. So u did the talking.
"Picies Aquarius likes you and Aquarius Picies likes you but is to afraid to ask you to dance."
Capricorn shot me a glare but before I knew it the two love birds were chirping on the dance floor.
"That's how it's done son" I said to Capricorn . Then I left to use the toilet but I heard a noise coming from a classroom I went and peeked inside the door and it was Gemi I and Sagittarius they were kissing. Now usually when something like this happened I get angry but this time I was sad I was hurt   . I held back my tears for a while and found the courageous enter the classroom. Gemini and Sagittarius stopped what they were doing and I completely lost it .
"Seriously sag I mean I thought you liked me I mean seriously you are cheating on me with this slutty hoe urge I trusted you with my most prized possession my heart and you lost my trust !"
Gemini laughed" look Leo saggy only dates pretty girls and your just not pretty."
Then she kissed him again. My face flushed with rage as u clenched my fist .
"You k ow what go ahead be jerks because I am dine with you fools ok no wonder nobody voted for you to be prom queen and sag no wonder Nicky's ever dated you you are both terrible people. I hate both of you and I never want to see you again!!!" I marched down the hall and back into the gym. The instant I walked in Cancer and Capricorn noticed my bad mood.
"What's wrong Leo " Leo she asked .
"Sag cheated on me with Gemini " I blurted while crying .
"He did what !" Cancer and Capricorn yelled in unison . They both gave me hugs and muttered stuff to each other I couldn't quite hear what it was I just wanted to go home. I mean I was having a wonderful night until Sagittarius and his butch Gemini spoiled it.
Like I hope so and also fit you want a character in my new strong just message me what you want.

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