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Cancers pov
My name is Cancer and I am 17 years old . I am tall and slender with big brown eyes and long lush red hair. A lot of people say I'm pretty but I would like to differ. Anyways my parents told me that it's time I started going to a public school. I hated public schools .I mean firstly you are socializing with all types of people and some of them could be really mean also you have no school uniform so you always have to be looking for something to where. But the thing about Zodiac high is that it's like collage so I'm not going to see my beloved family for a while and it was all my cousin's idea. My cousins name is Aries and he has always hated me for some reason. So he came home to visit me for summer and started blabbing his big fat mouth about Zodiac high and my parents loved it. So yes here I am sitting down in a room at this stupid high school waiting to meet my roommate who btw is a pig.
A few minutes later
" woo hue" my New roommate yelled while opening the door. I looked up at her she was short with blue eyes and short yet awesome brown hair.
"Hi newbie I'm Leo " Leo said.
"Oh hi I'm Cancer " I replied.
" well Cancer what are you waiting for lets go"
Then Leo dragged me out of the room and carried me down the hall and while going down the steps she bumped into Aries.
She started blushing .
"H hi Aries I'm super sorry" but he didn't take her on instead he came up to me.
"Hey can" he said slapping my pack playfully.
"Blah " I replied " don't talk to me"
"Awe " he continued " the little spoilt baby is angry , want me to go get your bottle"?
" blah" I replied angrily yet I gave him a hug. Leo stood their her mouth wide open.
"Awe thanks cancer um do you want to hang out with me and my friends?" I nodded with my head still on his chest.
"Wait wait wait" Leo said " are you serious, you could ask her to come but not me!"
"Well she is my cousin and I promised her parents I would look after her."
"Whatever " Leo said then she left. I followed Aries into his room where to other guys were.
" Guys this is cancer my cousin " he said.
"Cancer this is Taraus and Scorpio my roomates my other friends would be here shortly ."
I smiled and I saw Taruas and Scorpio starring me down.
" hey gorgeous " Scorpio said .
"Um hi" I replied feeling uncomfortable . Scorpio was tall and muscular with green eyes and black shoulder length hair.
He put his arm around me and I started to feel more uncomfortable .
"Ahhh" I said but I was interrupted by Aries.
"Scorpio get you stinking hands of my precious little cousin now!"
Scorpio reluctantly obeyed.
"Thanks" I told him.
"Anytime" he replied. Then his room door burst open and eight people walked in including Leo.
"Let the partying begin!" I heard one of them say. And it did .i sat down in a corner by myself reading an Ebook until a tall , muscular super gorgeous guy with blue eyes and light brown hair came next to me.
"Mind if I sit here"? He inquired.
"Nope" I replied and he sat. We stared at each other for a while until he finally spoke.
"Hi I'm Picies " he said.
"Hi I'm Cancer and also do you have a quarter I need to call my mom to tell her I just meet the man I'm going to marry."
He laughed " well I'm flattered , for a second their I thought you didn't like me." Then I laughed .
"So your Aries' cousin right" Picies said.
"Yes" I am I answered.
" he always speaks about you" Picies told me
"Really" I answered shocked
"Yes is it true that your parents are billionaires ?"
"Um yes " I replied and Picies smiled .
"Alright anyways tell me something about yourself Cancer except for the fact that your gorgeous and my future wife."
I blushed a lot.
"Ok well I'm 17 I like to read, I can play tons of instruments, I hate parties oh and I have imaginary friends."
"Me to "Picies said then we laughed even more. I spent the rest of the night talking with Picies .
"Omg I can't believe Aries is your cousin he is soooo hot and your not."
I rolled my eyes at Leo.
"It's not a big deal Leo , I mean he is just my cousin "
"Yeah but you get along so well, I mean today on the staircase was so adorable "
I shrugged "look Leo tomorrow school starts and I don't want to be late" !
Leo stuck her tounge out at me .
"Whatever major loser" she said and went onto her laptop .
I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Help ppl watsup alrightie now I need your help please give me ideas for Taurus male, capricon male, Virgo female, Gemini female, Aquarius male, and libra female. Ok yay and also a male Sagittarius .

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