Just Hold Me (Patrick Kane)

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I just wanna say before you read this, that this is based on true events kind of but most of it is false.

Patrick Kane Imagine

Requested by: chxsingdrexms.

Pat just wasn't himself when he came home from morning skate. He didn't even say hello to you before he went upstairs into your shared bedroom and crawled under your comforter.

You walked upstairs and into the room, still confused about his odd behaviour. Crawling in beside him in bed, you could hear his soft sobs that he was failing to hide.

"Pat?" You stroked his hair softly. "Do you wanna talk about it hunny?" He shook his head and pulled the covers over his body, hiding himself from you.

You decided that it mustn't of been something too bad if he didn't feel the need to tell you, so you left him be and went back downstairs to continue making lunch for you and Pat.

Jonny called a few minutes later and you picked up the phone... maybe he would know what was up with Patrick.

"Hey Jon... what's happenin'?" You asked him casually.

"Did Patrick seem off to you when he got home? He was really weird after the morning skate."

So Jon had no idea either, you thought to yourself. He told Jon everything. You ended the call with Jon and decided to call the only person you figured would maybe know what was going on with Pat, his grandfather.

No one answered so you tried calling his cell phone as well which he always answered. He didn't answer that either. You then called Erica, Pat's sister that he was closest with.

She answered her cell with a shaky "Hello Y/N".

You were getting nervous.

"Hi Erica... Do you know what's wrong with Pat? He seems really upset about something but he won't tell me what..."

She sighed, and told me the horrible news. "He didn't tell you, did he?... Oh Patty... Y/N, our grandpa died this morning. Our mother called him after morning skate and broke the news to him. He took it pretty hard."

You gasped, shocked and devastated.

"I'm so sorry for your loss Erica... do you think if I gave him the phone, you could talk to him and get him to talk to me and let me comfort him?"

She agreed so you sprinted back up the stairs and shook Patrick in bed.

He looked up with red, tear-filled eyes and you handed him the phone before you sat down beside him rubbing his back.

He mumbled a lot and cried a lot too before he said goodbye and handed the phone back to you. Erica thankfully had convinced him to talk to you.

"Oh Patty..." you spoke, as he looked up at you with tears in his eyes.

You leaned over to him and embraced him in your arms, and rubbed his back while you let him to cry on your shoulder.

"He's gone Y/N... He's really gone... I didn't even get to say goodbye... He's dead..."

Pat was mumbling things about his grandfather into your shoulder. The poor boy was beating himself up over uncontrollable circumstances.

"I know baby, your grandpa was such a great man Patty, I know it's hard but you can't beat yourself up over him. It's not your fault hun."

You tried reassuring him but he would have none of it, he just continued to blame himself and cry into your shoulder.

"Patrick, look at me." You said forcefully. He looked up at you with sad, puppy dog eyes.

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