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Sorry I haven't updated in a long time I've been lazy. Anyway some of you may know I'm not from the U.S so you're type of music is Nicki, Drake, etc... Meanwhile in my hometown this song ( video above👆) is the song that has all the radio in Puerto Rico burnt down...including mine. Yeah it's a catchy song just wanted to share this with you guys.

"Gente de Zona- La Gozadera ft Marc Anthony".

Okay Teen Wolf season 5 started and I still have 2 episodes left to finish to start this season but I'll finish it when I can. Right now this season has been epic yet mysterious and it's killing me. First of all

1. Theo Raeken- hot as af 😉 and I don't know what to think of him. First he seems like the bad guy and then he turns to the good guy and then...you know what I mean. I think he's the only experiment who had gone right. That's why he's working for the dread doctors. The scene of him as a little kid watching his sister from the bridge dying is the same bridge in season 1 when Allison and Scott skip school for Allison's birthday and honestly it gave me the creeps. Right now some says he's a hale and Malia's brother but I don't. I'm still slightly confused of what Theo might do.

2. Liam- he reminds me of Derek and Paige. In this season he has a love interest which for me was funny the first time I saw Hayden the gum thing was priceless. He looked adorable with an annoyed face. It's Clever that Derek,Scott and Liam has a girl in sophomore year, I think Jeff wanted a girlfriend in sophomore year😏. Anyway I think that in time Liam will become the next true alpha in season 6.

3. J. Parrish- now some people is saying he's a Phoenix,human salamander or a blood hound but I think he maybe a Fire Kitsune or an Inami. You know Kira was saying she is the messenger of death well most kitsunes were the messengers of the Inami many years ago . Her and Parrish are connected ever time there's a body they both disappear. Whatever Parrish is, is connected with a Kitsune. Also the card that he held, the queen card it triggers of what he is because it looks like Lydia. Talking about her I knew that there was something going on since she said" I don't date teenage boys" ever since that I said Parrish😏😏😏.

4. Brett- his parents died in the hale fire. I remember clearly that Derek once said there were others humans and visitors that day... So yeah it's sad😕. But I definitely ship Brett and Mason❤️😜❤️😜.

That's all I have to say. Bye guys don't forget to vote/comment or following me. I'll appreciated bye✌🏻️✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻.

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