A Promise to the Dead :)

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Jeanette's P.O.V

I was in Liam's house with my back resting in Liam's chest playing black ops with Mason and Liam. Liam has been winning for the last hour.

Mason: When did you get so good? You been practicing? Or did You just suddenly get superhuman reflexes?

I felt Liam tense behind me

Liam: uhh...Practicing. Yeah I've been practicing

Mason glance at his watch and begin to stand up

Mason: and I should be studying.

Liam: wait...were are you going?

Mason: Home? I got a history test tomorrow.

Liam put his adorable puppy dog eyes to Mason

Liam: Come on.One more game.

Mason: yeah...you said that four games ago.

Liam: Study here. You can stay over. Come on. one more game. just one.

Mason: you okay?

I glanced at Liam and saw this fear in his eyes but then it was gone.

Liam: yeah. You're right. You should go. See you at school.

Mason nodded to him and i waved. He the left and i turn around to face Liam. I saw him deep in thought.

me: Li is something wrong?

he look at me and began to talk

Liam: i dont know...i just everytime i close my eyes i see them

me : see who?

he looked at me with fear in his eyes

Liam: the berserkers

me: do you want me to stay the night?

he nodded. We made it to his bed. This time i was spooning him. I kiss neck and brought him tighter to me with my head on his shoulder.

me: go to sleep Li im here. I love you.

he hold my arms around him more

Liam: I love you too.

He was the first to go to sleep. Then i follow to sleep.


The next morning Liam and I went to school. He went to the work out room to get ready for the game tomorrow. He slept well yesterday, in fact he slept the whole night without waking up. I went to my locker to put my books and then decided to see him. I made my way to the work out room and saw Mason with small weights and Liam lifting aton of weight.

Mason: That's a lot of weight.

Liam: I'm trying to get ready for the game tomorrow.

Mason: You need a spot?

Liam: No. Do you?

Mason: This is my warm-up, you ass.

Liam: Wait, what are you doing?

Mason: I'm spotting you.

Liam: I said I don't need one.

Mason: Are you kidding me? This is like 300 pounds. You're gonna kill yourself.

Liam: Do I look like I need help?!

Me: Liam calm down

Liam: dont tell me to calm down Jeanette!!

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