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Before I start, this story is on quotev but decided to write it here because I'm having trouble updating new chapters. Hope you guys like it😊😊😊.
I woke up to someone shaking me awake. when I look its stiles. ugg what now. I whine

Me: "what stiles "

Stiles:" "its 6:30 come on wake up you have 30 minutes to get ready"

Me: fine get out so I can get dress

Stiles: ok love you

he kiss my forehead and head out my room

I brush my teeth, got inside the shower, wash my hair and shave I finished. I got out of the shower, dried myself with the towel and head to my room and open my closet for my outfit of today. It's my first day as freshman and I have to dress to impress or Lydia will kill me. I found the perfect outfit and look in the mirror and left my hair in its natural waves. Got my bag and phone raced down the stairs to see stiles and dad in the kitchen table.

Me: hi daddy!

I kiss his cheek and made my way to grab waffles and heat it in the microwave. when it was done I sat next to stiles and began to eat it.

Dad: ready for your first day?

Me: I think so I mean how bad can it be right?

Stiles: well except with the whole werewolf situation oh yeah really great

Me: ha your so sweet

I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes at him

Stiles: sorry im kidding ill look after you and please no boys promise?

Me: yeah no promises

i smile innocently

Stiles: come on if we don't leave now were late

i left my plate on the sink and went to dad an gave him another kiss on the cheek

Me: bye dad wish me luck love you!

Dad: ok sweetheart good luck i love you more

i got in stiles jeep and we were off to the school. We arrive an stiles parked and i got out. People automatically stared at me mostly boys and i blushed ad looked down

Stiles: come on i have lacrosse practice right now if you want you can come

Me: ok

i follow stiles until i saw Scott


I ran towards him. He turned around and saw it as me and smile and i hug him and he hug me back spinning me around. He can carry me because of his wolf powers if he didn't he would be on the floor,

Scott: hey jean bug missed me already?

Me: yeah Scottie i actually did

I giggled and he put me back down

Stiles: your still team captain right? You got your grades up just like Coach told you to, right?

Scott: Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team. He just told me to show up at tryouts today.

Me: don't worry Scottie im pretty sure you will be captain again.

Stiles: We got bigger things to deal with anyway. Did you tell Argent yet?

Scott: Ah! I texted him but he didn't get back to me.

Stiles: You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?

Scott: I didn't have the money to call France.

Stiles: Yeah, you think you got money problems? Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House.

I winced

Me: yeah its pretty bad

Scott: Another notice?

Stiles: Yeah, this one said, "Final. Now, what the hell are we even doing here anyway? We got like a 117 million problems and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them.

when stiles said that i look at the field and saw a boy catching every ball going to the net. He's really good.

Me: It is now.

i looked again and saw him taking his helmet and i almost fainted right here.

This boy is absolutely gorgeous with brown hair pushed up with blue eyes that sparkled in the sun. My heart speed up when he looked at me and smile and sent me a wink. I blushed and waved, then he smile and waved back. Scott looked at me and smirk. He knew my heart speed up. I glared at him the he lift his hands in surrender.

Stiles: Who the hell is that?

Garrett: Nice, Liam. You might just be our first ever freshman captain.

Me: You guys should practice it looks you guys have competition and a cute one at that

I smiled at Stiles and Scott and look at the field again and saw Liam already looking at me again. I blushed but this time Stiles saw and glared at Liam and turned to me

Stiles: remember no boys

Me: and i said no promises

I smirked

Stiles: smart ass. Okay, maybe we should just practice a little bit.

Then they both headed to the field and i made my way to the bleachers.

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