Perishable 3 :)

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After the talk with Mason and Liam, I went to history class. It was an interesting topic though, but as much as interesting it is i have to pee.

I raised my hand and told my teacher i have to go to the bathroom, she nodded and gave me a bathroom pass. I made my way out and walk through the halls then noticed someone at the stairs next to the girls bathroom. I made my way closer and saw it was Liam. I got confused i thought he had art class. I came closer and he lift his head and looked at me in the eyes. He attempted to smile but it was weak. I knew something was up because when he smiles his eyes lit up and right know his eyes are worn out and red from sleep. I sat next to him and hold his hands and rest my head in his shoulders.

me: what's wrong Li ? You've been out of it since this morning?

i heard him sigh quietly.

liam: nothing is wrong don't worry im fine, it's just i have a lot of homework and a big test coming up just teenage stuff

i lift my head from his shoulder and raised and eyebrow and looked at him with a '' Really?''. He just chuckled softly.

liam: okay... maybe that's not the got me worried but is some of it

i nodded and squeezed his hands and made him look at me when he did

me : Li i love you, your my boyfriend and in a relationship we share every kiss, touch, thoughts and problems and right now i know your having trouble with something that doesn't let you rest enough to tell me so please whatever it is i can help you

he looked at me while i stroke his cheek with my other hand while the other hold his hand. He kissed my forehead and i smile at him. He sigh again and open his mouth about to tell me what's being troubling him. Until we saw Scott. He looked at us confused but decided to seat with us in the stairs. By the look he gave Liam he too knew that there was something troubling Liam.

Scott: Hey . You okay? Hey

Liam looked at Scott and then at me, and once again at Scott

Liam: Last night my printer went off by itself. I couldn't turn it off. I hit the cancel button. But it just kept printing.

i looked at Liam confused and so does Scott i was going to ask what the printer printed but Scott beat me to it

Scott: Printing what?

Then we heard Coach screaming

Coach: What the hell's this?!!

All of us aproach Coach's office and saw a bunch of papers and his printer was still printing. Scott pick one from the floor and his eyes widened

Liam: You see the difference?

Scott nodded and then he looked at me with a worried yet proctective glance in his eyes. Iv'e seen that look many times. I gave him a confused look

Scott: Derek's not on the list anymore.

i widened my eyes and looked at Scott then at Liam

Liam: And I'm not worth three million. It's 18 now. $18 million

Jeanette's P.O.V

Well I came home after the whole dead pool thing. Did my homework and cooked dinner which was spaghetti and the rest I put them in a bowl so tomorrow it will be leftovers. I watch some tv and looked at the clock and it's says is 6:30pm. Well time to get ready. I went to the bathroom and wash up. 6 min later I got out, dry myself and went to my room and open my closet and grab my outfit. Yes Liam beg me to put his lacrosse hoodie on but I don't mind😉. Anyway I check my clock and it says is 6:50. I did my hair and makeup. Grab my phone and my keys of my bike. Yes dad let me drive my bike after the little talk the other day. Since I have my permit but since I'm the sheriff's daughter it's got it's perks. I went downstairs and lock the front door and made my way to the garage and got my bike out, turn on in the ignition and it roar to life. I close my garage then put my helmet and off I go to the bonfire.

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