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Hey guys I'm happy that I have 36 views even though you can go to quotev and see that I'm in episode perishable but I'll get to it. The picture above is Lydia Martin and Jenna Somers from the Vampires Diaries. I don't know about you guys but they both look alike to me. They can be twins but anyways back to the story.😉😉😉.

After the whole Violet thing i woke up and saw Liam listening to Scott and his dad talking. i made my way behind Liam and hug his back and he jump in surprised until he notice its me and smiled and turns to me

Liam: are you ok? i'm sorry i wasn't there its all my fault

me: no Liam i'm fine it wasn't your fault I'm ok, ok?

liam: yeah
he kissed me on the lips and put his hands on my cheeks, then pull away. i smiled and then we payed attention to Scott and his dad

Scott: Dad, really. I'm okay.

Agent McCall: I should've been here. And I said I would be at the games.

Scott: Well, I mean this was just a pre-season scrimmage. I didn't even tell you about it.

Agent McCall: But I promised your mom I'd be around so she could pick up some double shifts at the hospital. I should've been here.

Scott: You're here now.

Then i saw Deputy Parrish handcuffing Violet down the hall towards us. Then she noticed Deputy's name tag and smirks.

Violet: Jordan Parrish?

Deputy Parrish: Deputy Parrish.

i smirked at his answer. Then i decided to stand next to Scott who smiled at me and returned it. Then wraps one arm around me and kiss my forehead

Scott: im glad your okay
i smiled at him

Me: me too scotty.

i saw liam get a little jealous even though he knew Scott is like my older brother. So i hold his hand and he glance at me and smiled. Then dad noticed me and came rushing towards me and gave me a big hug. He pulled away and put his hands on my face

Dad: oh god im glad your okay!

Me: im fine daddy

Dad: and also me and you are going to have a little talk about you know..
he gestured his head to liam and i blushed and saw dad raised his eyebrows

me: did i ever tell you how much I love you

i gave him my sweet smile. He just shakes his head and kiss my forehead.

Agent McCall: Sheriff, what is that? Is that the weapon?

Dad: Yeah. It's a thermo-cut wire.
Realization crossed into Agent Mccall's eyes and stopped parrish

Agent Mccall: Parrish, hold up.

Agent McCall, Dad and Parrish were talking with Violet in a room. So we stayed in the hall and i made my way next to Liam and he wraps his arms around my waist with my back against him and lean on him

Scott: Where's Kira?

Liam: She took off. Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the Dead Pool.

Scott: Her mom's on it.

Liam: Everyone's on it.

Scott: Your not nor Jeanette

Liam: Not yet. There's still another third, right?

Me: yeah I'm human I'm not suppose to be on the list

Agent Mccall: Thermo-cut wire's... a very unusual weapon, Violet. Now, we've got a file at the bureau on something similar. Used in over a dozen murders.

Violet: I don't know what you're talking about. I just go to school here.
Agent McCall: Maybe we should call your parents then. Oh, no... That's right. You don't have any parents. That's why they call you The Orphans. We need to find her boyfriend, Garrett.

Dad: Coach, I'm gonna need both their locker numbers. And someone find me a set of bolt cutters.Then we went to the room where everyone was.

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