Chapter 5

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Guys! Listen to the song towards the end of the chapter!! It really sets the sad mood to the story. Please listen and enjoy!

Steve Rogers

I kicked open the door to the Avengers apartment carrying Daniella and made my way to our room. There were four agents still behind me, the other six were back taking care of Loki. They followed me into the bedroom, where I laid her down on the bed and asked me to move aside. While pointing their guns at her, they began to put the chains back around her wrists and ankles, and carefully removed the necklace.

"I'll take that." I said and the necklace was placed in my outstretched hand.

"And tell Fury I got her." I ordered as they left the room. Once the door was closed behind the last agent, I walked over to the table near Stark's couch and pick up the muzzle sitting on it. I flipped it over in my hands, examining it for a second, and walked over to her. Her breaths were steady as her torso rose and fell on the soft white comforter. I hovered over her, and stared at her small features, her bruised, cut face, and bent down and brushed a small piece of hair away that fell from her pony tail. My fingers lingered on her face.

"Steve!" My hand immediately retracted and my head flew to the side to see Bruce standing in the doorway, out of breath.

"You found her." He panted. And questioningly looked at her sleeping body. "What's wrong with her?" He asked.

"Nothing, I found her asleep with Loki..." I said and he nodded while catching his breath.

"Well Fury wants you in the control center, he said I'll take over for now." He said and walked into the bedroom.

"Um yeah, okay just keep an eye on her, Fury wanted the mask on at all times, but I honestly don't think she needs it." I said eyeing the muzzle laying on the bed next to our sleeping guest.

"Yeah, of course, I'll see you later." He said and turned his back on me, basically telling me to leave. I took one last glance at her, and walked out of the apartment.


Bruce Banner: The Hulk

I sat in the desk chair in front of the bed watching her sleep for almost an hour. I looked at the clock sitting on the bedside table, 4:57. Dinner was in three minutes, and I'm guessing she's coming with me. I slowly got up from the chair, and stretched out my arms and back before walking over to her. I lightly placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Dani, wake up we have to go now." I said softly. She stirred a bit and her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes then slightly widened and then went back to normal.

"Figured you'd find me sooner or later." She slightly whispered and yawned.

"There's no way this is going to end with me coming out on top is there?" She whispered and sat up.

"No." I said sorrily and watched her eyes fill with tears. She swallowed and cleared her throat, and the tears disappeared from her eyes.

"How did you know my name?" She asked. I looked at her questioningly. "You called me Dani I mean." She said.

"Well I heard Loki say it when..." I said awkwardly. She nodded and looked down.

"My dad, is he dead?" She cleared her throat again.

"Well we got word, I mean it's probably just a rumor-" I started.

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