Chapter 18

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The back hatch of the plane closed behind us and I felt the plane lift from the helipad. I followed Phil into the small plane and greeted a man and woman waiting for us in front of the cockpit.

"Agents Bobbi Morse and Lance Hunter, this is Dani Stark." Phil said and stepped aside a bit. I smiled and shook both their hands.

"So before you start asking, yes I was in New York, yes, I was technically a bad guy, Yes I am..." I took in a breath. "I was dating a demi god and yes, I am quite young." The two Agents stared at me.

"Did I cover everything Phil?" I asked and he nodded.

"I think that was it." He said.

"So she'll be helping us, how exactly?" The man asked in a British accent.

"Her assets are key to bringing down Grant Ward and Hydra all together." Phil responded and walked me to the cockpit.

"This is Agent Maye, one of our top field agents." He said and I looked at the small asian woman flying the plane. She didn't look like a very nice woman. Maye nodded briefly.

"I'd advise you to buckle up, we're approaching the bus." Maye said and I looked to Phil questioningly. He beckoned for me to sit in one of the seats on the sides of the plane and sat next to me. I strapped myself in and the plane jerked for a second, then settled. Phil unbuckled and I followed, then followed him through a hatch in the floor that lead to a small winding staircase. I held my duffle and stepped down into a much, much larger plane.

"Welcome to the Jet." The agent called Hunter said and I took in the luxury looking plane.

"Damn." I said and followed Coulsen. We walked into a small meeting room and sat at the table, joining a few other people including Maye, Bobbi, and Hunter.

"Agents Skye...I mean Daisy, Mac, Fitz and Simmons, meet Dani, she'll be helping us with our Ward/Hydra situation." Phil said and I waved to everyone.

"Sir, how's a kid supposed to help us take down Ward?" The man called Fitz asked.

"So you didn't tell them about this at all Phil?" I asked.

"Phil?" Daisy asked regarding me addressing him to informally.

"Dani has a certain skill set that can easily take out high value targets, and you must recognize her sooner or later." Phil replied and the whole group minus Bobbi and Hunter stared at me.

"You're her. The kid who helped destroy New York, then helped Iron Man take down the Mandarin, then helped Thor kill those aliens, and then helped the Avengers-"

"Yes Jemma, we get it." Maye said and eyed me.

"You must let us examine that necklace of yours." Jemma Simmons said in a British accent.

"Umm, no thank you." I said and gripped my pendant.

"Please, focus here." Daisy said.

"Ok, so Ward, he's rebuilding Hydra and is basically trying to kill you guys, correct?" I asked.

"True." Mac said.

"So what's our next move?" I asked.

"Well we're sending Hunter in as a cover hydra supporter to sell guns to Ward, then eventually get close enough to him for him to get us and and hopefully take him in." Bobbi said.

"Or out." Hunter said.

"Alrighty." I said and we began to converse strategy.

A few days later

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