Chapter 12

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Tony Stark

"Dammit!" My fist met the table's surface angrily, and Pepper jumped in her seat beside me. "How hard could it possibly be to find a 18 year old girl?!" I shouted. A S.H.I.E.L.D agent was sitting calmly across from me.

"Mr. Stark we have every one of our resources on it right now, we will find her." He said.

"You know what? That's not okay anymore. You said that a month ago and we still haven't found her, so either you do something that will get her back, or I will." I said. And with that, I left the room and stormed out of the facility.



A sigh huffed out of my cracked lips. I tilted my head back so it rested up against the alley wall. The footsteps that were chasing me were getting softer with distance and I finally relaxed.

For the last two days people have been recognizing me from my picture on the news in every tv screen throughout the country. I guess I can thank Tony for that. It's been a month since I ran from him, and now he's decided to plaster my face over every telephone pole in the country, offering $500,000 to anyone who will return me to him.

I've been flying from state to state, even to Canada looking for one thing...or person rather. Jane Foster. You see, ever since that night on the docks, when Tony finally let me wear my necklace again, I've had this overbearing feeling come over me like I had to find her. I knew it was Loki trying to give me a sign, and I'm not ignoring it. Recently, I found out that Jane was residing in England, and now I need to wait till nightfall to take off again. I can't risk getting spotted in the daylight, so I've been flying only at night, and doing my best to get around during the day.

With another sigh, I stood and brushed the dirt off my bum and walked out of the alley. The small crowd of people that were chasing me were no where in sight. I pulled my hood back up and kept my head down, and walked into a small dinner. The bell on the door chimed and the chatter in the restaurant didn't cease, so I pulled my hood down and propped myself up on a stool at the counter. I quickly scanned the room and saw no potential threats, so I turned to the smiling waitress who stood in front on me on the other side of the counter.

"Coffee dear?" The woman asked.

"Yes please." I replied and she filled up the empty mug at my place setting. I briefly smiled at her, and dumped 3 little plastic cream cups into the mug with a few sugar packets. I slowly sipped the piping hot coffee and the woman placed a plate with eggs bacon and toast in front of me. I furrowed my brows at her.

"I didn't order this." I said to her.

"Oh I know honey, he did." She smiled and pointed to a man sitting by himself in a booth. He got up and sat in the stool next to me. I went to get up and run until he spoke.

"Don't get up." He said calmly. "I'm not here to hurt you." He said.

"Then what do you want." I said angrily.

"Your father wants to see you home and safe, Miss Stark." He replied.

"He's not my father." I said and got up. Two men blocked my exit to the door, and I whipped around to see 5 others stand from booths and tables around the restaurant.

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