Chapter 27

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"Do you plan on doing anything about your brother?" I asked Loki. He sat calmly on the bed behind me as I brushed through my hair. I stared at him through the mirror in front of me.

"What would you presume I do?" Loki asked me. I turned around, putting the brush down.

"You could try to tell the Grandmaster that Thor isn't a pet. That's he's your brother and you won't stand for him to be imprisoned like this." I folded my arms. Loki scoffed.

"You can't say that that oaf wouldn't leave my in the same position." Loki argued.

"He wouldn't." I pressed.

"Stop worrying won't you? I have a plan, alright?" Loki walked up behind me and set his hands on my shoulders. I turned back and up and him, looking at him curiously.

"Care to share with the class?" I asked him.

"Mmm, not until I'm sure about it." Loki replied. I nodded.

"Okay then." I said unconvincingly.

I pushed back the stool I was sitting on and stood, my eyes wandering to the garment laying on the bed. Loki's eyes drifted to it as well.

"That man's taste is one string short of lingerie." I grimaced at the shiny purple fabric on the bed. The dress was missing pieces in all the wrong places.

"I quite like it actually." Loki held the gown up in front of him, angling it in front of me. I snatched it from his hands and held back a laugh.

"Oh I wonder why that it." I rolled my eyes.

"You get dressed, and while you're doing that I need to have a word with my brother for a moment." Loki said to me.

"Must I?" I swallowed and looked down at the crumpled ball of purple silk in my hands.

"It will get us ever more in the Grandmaster's favor." Loki answered.

"Where's yours?" I complained.

"I don't think I could pull that off." Loki laughed.

"Hilarious." I said dryly. Loki closed his eyes, seemingly to go "see" Thor, and I sighed.

I pulled on the hideous dress that the Grandmaster picked out and slid on the equally as hideous gold sandals that came with it.

"You know, purple and green are complimentary colors." I frowned and looked at Loki's dark green attire. An idea popped into my head. "Maybe I should just..." I waved my hand over myself, looking into the mirror. The dress turned the same shade of green. "Much...better?" I shrugged.

The dress had cutouts going down my sides from my ribs down to my hips, and had a very, very low back. I scowled. Loki's eyes opened, and he let out a large sigh.

"It went well I suppose?" I asked him, taking a seat next to him on the bed.

"It went as it usually does with my brother." Loki huffed. I could see the wheels in his head turning.

"So to the fight then?" I asked and stood, changing the subject.

"Yes, let's go." Loki stood and held out his arm for me.

I grasped his elbow reassuringly and we left the room. We walked together through the "palace," if that's what you wanted to call it, towards the fighting arena. I looked down out the window to see a flood of people entering the building below us.

"I guess this will be a special fight..." I pulled my eyes from the window and continued with Loki towards the Grandmaster's private booth.

"They say the Grandmaster's champion is a serious contender." Loki's answered.

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