Chapter 26

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I walked over to the balcony doors, but stood back, making sure no one outside could see me. I looked out for a moment, but turned my attention to a wall of shelves to the left of the doors. There were books filling most of the shelves, piled high to the ceiling, but there were also strange object scattered amongst the books. My hand reached up to touch a wooden knife that had blue carvings in it, but I immediately recoiled as the balcony doors next to me slammed shut.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you." Odin's gravely voice spoke to me. I turned to face the old man.

"And who are you exactly?" I tested him. My arms folded.

"The king." Loki's voice came from Odin's lips, and he morphed into his own body. I smirked.

"I'm guessing this is the king's room?" I asked him.

"Do you like it?" He asked me. He stood about four feet away from me, which I noticed skeptically.

"It could use a woman's touch." I replied. I walked towards him.

"I figured." Loki said.

"So, not that I'm not happy to see you, but is there a reason I'm here? In this?" I asked, pointing at the crown on my head,

"Yes, there is." He told me. I watched as Loki circled around me. I turned to face him with each step he took.

"Well?" I asked, getting frustrated.

"You know, that was my mother's." Loki pointed to my head. "Odin designed it especially for her."

"Frigga? Wore this?" I asked astonished.

"Do you like it?" Loki asked me. He was acting so strange.

"I mean it is beautiful, but I'm still confused." I replied. With my hands on my hips I waited to see where this was going.

"I think it suits you wonderfully." He replied, skimming his eyes over my body.

He looked nervous, and he kept pacing and rubbing his hands together. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He stopped, and his hands went to his sides. Loki's eyes rested finally on mine and he breathed slowly.

"Only the Queen wears a crown. I want you to be my queen." Loki breathed. My mouth gaped open slightly and my eyes widened. I took in a deep breath to speak, but no words came out.

"What're you saying?" I asked. My eyes looked between his.

"Marry me." Loki said to me. A smile grew on my face and I jumped into his arms. Loki spun around and kissed me, and set me back down on my feet. "Is that a yes?" He asked, grinning. I nodded and kissed him again.

"Yes." I smiled. Loki took my hand in his, and waved his other hand over mine. On my left fourth finger, a gold ring materialized, with a green stone set in the center. I smiled again, and looked up at Loki.

"Shall we?" Loki took my arm, and much to my distaste, morphed into Odin. We walked through the palace, and outside, where a crowd was waiting. There was a theater set up against the palace, with a curtain shielding whatever was behind. The crowd stood when Loki and I walked out, and sat as soon as we sat on a fancy sofa looking thing. There were several females surrounding the sofa, all gawking at "Odin". I looked at them all sourly, and turned my attention to the stage as soon as music began to play.

The curtain opened, and three actors, dressed as Loki, Thor, and myself stood there. I widened my eyes and looked to Loki, who was smirking.

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