A Nerd's New Beginning

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Plot wise everything is the same for the most part. If something is different you'll see the changes in bold. I'm only doing this for this chapter.

Shoutout to @simply-clo and @Kaadddeee for giving me tittle suggestions

Destiny POV

"So how did we end up together?" I asked Macky.

"We had a group project together and started hanging out one on one." he explained.

"So you go to my school?"

"Yeah." Macky said.

"And I don't know a guy named Rome?" I asked.

"No, I mean he's in some of our classes but he doesn't really talk to anybody." Bri said.

I slowly nodded my head.

"So do I know guys named Shawn, Fizz and Smoot?" I asked.

"Yes, Smoot is my boyfriend." Bristol said.

"And Shawn is my boyfriend." Rocky said.

"Fizz is just a friend of the family." Jay rolled her eyes.

"But in my dream you two were lovey dovey with Jasmin." I looked at her.

"Well that's not gonna happen. Destiny, Jasmin is gone and she ain't coming back." Jay looked away from me.

Wait, Jasmin didn't make it? She wasn't found?

I am beyond confused at the point. I don't know what's real and what's not.

"Maybe we should take her to the hospital." Rocky told my dad.

I saw him nod his head.

"Let me call Kellcey and tell her I'm going to be late." Major excused himself.

"Wait, I do have a niece and a nephew, right?" I asked before he left the room completely.

"Yeah, Kellcey had them almost a month ago. Micah and D'angelo." he told me before leaving.

A month ago. I swear they were only a few days old.

Makcy handed me my jacket as we walked out the door a few minutes later.

"It looks like she'll be fine. She seems like she lost some memory but it should come back within the next week." the doctor told my daddy after he examined me.

My daddy said something else but I wasn't listening.

My mind was still focused on the boy I never really met.


I watched Rome walk up to the teacher to turn in his work. I was already done with mine and had nothing to do.

I wonder how's Brina doing.

It really made me sad when I realized that the relationship with me and Brina didn't exist.

"Destiny the bell rang." my teacher snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry." I hurried and grabbed my stuff and left.

Macky was outside of the door, waiting for me I guess.

"You ready to go to lunch?" he smiled.

"Uh, yeah." I held his hand.

He was talking to me but I wasn't listening. I couldn't stop thinking about how I could talk to Rome without seeming creepy.

"Destiny, you listenin'?" Macky asked.

A Nerd's New Beginning  (CATLAN Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now