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"She just doesn't undestand!" Cecilia thought to herself as she watched Abby stomping towards the parking lot.

She thought of running after her, but decided it would be best to let her cool off before trying to explain herself. It wasn't only that Cecilia was afraid of Ben, it had just been Ben talking to a crowd of freshman girls. She remembered when she was one of those girls, but she had kept from remembering it for so long. Cecilia put her face in her hands as she was brought back to her past...


Cecilia was walking home from her third day as a freshman with her friend Angela. They were laughing and talking about all the cute boys at their new school, and how they were so much different from middle school boys.

"Did you see how hot Adam looked today? He nearly ran into me on my way to third period, he smells sooo good!" Angela giggled.

"He's okay I guess" Cecilia tried to smile.

Angela rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Cecilia, when are you just going to talk to the guy?"

"What guy?" she pretended like she didn't know what Angela was talking about.

"Oh please, you know I'm talking about Ben"

Cecilia got butterflies at the sound of his name.

"He would never think of me like that" she frowned.

Ben had been friends with Cecilia's brother, Alex since they were younger. Alex had stopped a fight that Ben was losing in 3rd grade and they had become friends over the years. Cecilia had always had a crush on him but was sure he thought nothing more of her than 'Alex's sister'.

"Well if you don't do it soon, I'm going to do it for you!" Angela grinned.

"Whatever! I'll talk to you later" Cecilia laughed as she neared her house.

"Later" Angela waved.

Cecilia walked in her house thinking about what Angela had said. Maybe she could just give it a shot, but what if he rejected her?

She heard her brother rummaging around in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Looking for mom's stash.." he continued to open every cabinet in the kitchen.

"For what? She'll kill you!" Cecilia crossed her arms.

"She won't even notice.." Alex huffed and slammed the last cabinet shut.

Cecilia pressed her lips together.

"Are you taking it to Lee's party tonight?"

"Yeah, why?" Alex was pulling a chair over to the counter to look on top of the cabinets.

"Can I come?" she smiled mischeiviously.

"What? Why would you want to come? Don't you have homework or something?"

"I know where it is" Cecilia raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"What? And you've just been standing there watching me? Where the hell is it?" Alex jumped down from his chair.

"Can I come?" Cecilia asked again.

"Okay, but please just don't act like your dorky self!"

"It's upstairs, in the top of my closet." Cecilia was ecstatic.

"Of course, the one place I would never look!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2011 ⏰

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