Innocent Fun?

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Thanks so much for the support guys! I truly don't want to offend anyone so I'm sorry if I do...for the record I personally am not into girls, I just thought this would be a "different" story. And I also wanted to add that Abby's/Julia's beliefs do not reflect my own personal feelings but it is how she is dealing with it.  She is not so much religious as she is "traditional". With that being said, I hope you enjoy!! Votes and comments are appreciated!!!

PS Sorry, I know this chapter is not that long or interesting, but I wanted to post an upload and I am already working on the next chapter!!


It was eerily quiet in the locker room because we were the only two left putting our clothes on.

I was trying not to make it obvious that I was trying not to smile.

"So...what now?" I glanced back at Cecilia.

"What do you mean what now?" she smiled.

"What do we do now?"

"What do you think we do now?" she twisted her leg into her pants.

"I don't know, this is all so new to me"

"Well Julia," she came closer to me "we can do whatever we want" she smiled cheekily.

She may be able to do whatever she wants, but I'm not particularly proud of my feelings for her.  I just started a new school, how would they feel about us being together? What would happen if my mom found out? She would hate me! She would lock me away and never talk to me again!

"It's just innocent fun, Julia" Cecilia grabbed my arm, she must have been able to see the look of worry on my face.

Innocent fun? What was that supposed to mean?


I looked for Cecilia after school.  I finally found her leaned up against a gray truck flirtingwith a tall light-haired guy with a nice build.  Wait..flirting? Why would she be doing that? Oh my God, am I jealous? No way. She can do what she wants. We can't be together.  I turn my head and walk quickly passed them.

I was a block from my house when I heard, "Julia! Julia wait up!"

I turned to see Cecilia sprinting towards me.

"There you are! I was going to walk you home." she smiled.

"Well, I seen you talking to that guy and..." I looked down at the ground.

"Who Mike? Yeah he's had a crush on me forever." She put her hands on her hips. "Wait a minute...are you...jealous?" she nudged me in the shoulder.

"No" I quickly defended myself, "why would I be jealous?"

"Awww you really are too cute Julia," she grinned.

I turned around and stomped away.

"Oh come on Julia" she grabbed me by the shoulder "don't be mad at me!" She pouted her pretty pink lips out.

"I'm not mad! And I'm not jealous!" I yelled angrily.

"Then why are you yelling?" she laughed. She had a point.

"I just don't know how to take you Cecilia, and I don't know how to take this whole situation." I frowned.

"What situation?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Thats exactly why I don't get you." I turned around and started walking away again.

"We were just having fun Julia, what do you want me to say?"

I stopped and turned around to face her.

"So that's all I am to you? Someone you want to play with when you are bored? Just leave me alone." I started walking again. This time she didn't follow.

Why is she playing with me like this? First she causes me to possibly have feelings for her and then she wants to act like it's a game.  Girls are just as bad as guys.

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