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I watched the crime scene on the evening news.

It didn't take long for them to identify the body as that of Danielle Wilhelms. 

I heard several rumors at school the next day that she had been raped and strangled. There were investigators swarming the hallways questioning students.

I knew who did it.  I was just disgusted with myself that I didn't do more to stop it.

I slithered down the hallway with my stomach in knots.

"Excuse me," I walked up to a tall, husky officer.

"Yes," he turned to me.

"I need to talk to someone" I gripped the straps of my bookbag.

"Regarding the Wilhelms incident?" he asked.


He called over a detective on his radio.

I waited for what seemed like forever before an older man with bald hair and a round stomach approached me.

"Detective Marks," he shook my hand, "how can I help you?"

"Is there somewhere we can talk?" I looked around to see if anyone was watching me.

"Of course, follow me"

I followed him into the principal's office. I sat down in the chair beside him as he turned it to face me. The principle, along with a female teacher and another officer were all waiting to hear what I had to say.

It was dead silent.

"So, what can you tell me, Ms....."

"Moorshouse." I said, "Abby Moorhouse"

"I--I think I know who did this to Danielle"

The detective looked at me with a slight amount of interest on his face.


"Ben!" I belted out without thinking.

"Ben? Ben who?" he raised an eyebrow.


The detective leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms.

"Why do you think Mr. Walker had anything to do with this?"

"Because----he attacked me several weeks ago, he even tried to rape me!" I can't believe I finally told someone this, but it felt good to get it off my chest.

"And did you press charges, Ms. Moorhouse?"

"Well, no"

I heard the detective sigh.

"I was scared! He threatened me!" I cried.

"Did you go to the hospital?"

I could tell he was growing less and less amused with my concerns.

"No, what would I--"

He raised his hand, gesturing for me to stop.

"Ms. Moorhouse, do you know how many young girls have 'almost been raped'"?


"You either 'are raped' or 'not raped', what am I supposed to do with 'almost raped'?" he looked annoyed.

I was in shock.

"However, I will talk to Mr.....uhhh"

"Walker." I snapped.

"Yes, I will talk to Mr. Walker again, even though I talked to him this morning. We know he was Ms. Wilhelms' boyfriend, even though we confirmed him to be here at the school yesterday evening."

I was speechless.

"Unless you have anything useful, I need to get back out there" he stood up.

I looked at my principal, who offered me no support.

"Where were you yesterday evening, Ms. Moorhouse?" he asked.

"I was with Cecilia and Alex. At the lake," I stammered out, flustered that he would even ask such a question.

"Cecilia and Alex? Are you sure?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Of course I'm sure!" I was in disbelief.

The realization that Danielle was dead, that Ben had killed her, and the anger I felt for the detective hit me all of a sudden. I suddenly felt hot and sweaty and it felt as if the room was getting smaller. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and my breathing was getting heavier.

"Can I go?" I managed to utter out.

"You are free to go" the detective said in a relieved tone.

I stepped out of the office and into the crowded hallway amazed at what had just happened. I had finally decided to tell someone, unfortunately too late, and they didn't believe me. It seems as though Ben really can get away with anything.

"Abby" I looked up to see the devil himself standing before me.

I tried to step around him but he stopped me.

"Let me by Ben" I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh Abby, I'm in mourning, console me" he said sarcastically with an evil smirk on his face.

Again I tried to push passed him, but his strength doubled mine.

"It really is a shame what happened, Danielle was a sweet girl" he continued.

"Julia!" Cecilia must've seen what was happening and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me away.

She turned to give Ben a hateful look.

"Have a nice day ladies," he smiled "be careful, there's a killer on the loose".

We both turned and walked away.

"They didn't believe me!" I cried to Cecilia who had led me to a bench outside.

School was not the norm today with all that was going on, and people were skipping classes left and right.

"What?! Are you serious?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yes I'm serious!!" I stood up from the bench and began to pace back and forth. I was trying to keep the tears from spilling out of my eyes.

"I can't believe it!" she said.

I stopped dead in my tracks and grabbed Cecilia.

"You have to tell them. You have to tell them what happened to you."

"What? No way! They'd never believe me! And besides, it's been so long ago--"

"Cecilia, you have too!"

"Listen Julia, I want to bust Ben just as bad as you do, and I hate what happened to Danielle, but I'm sorry. I can't do that."

"Am I the only person who isn't afraid of this scumbag?!?"

"Julia, I'm not--"

"You know what Cecilia, save it,  I can tell I'm obviously going to have to do this alone!"

I stomped off angrily, leaving Cecilia speechless.

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