It's Abby, actually

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I slammed the door behind me as I walked into my house. I stomped up the stairs and into my room where I threw myself onto the bed with a huff.

"Abby?" my mom scared the crap out of me. She wasn't supposed to be home.

"Hey mom, what are you doing here?" I rolled over.

"I had to come home and grab a few things and thought we might be able to eat supper together. Is everything okay?" she stepped into my room.

"Yeah" I lied.

"Okay, well I'm making tacos, they should be ready in a few. Come on down."

I struggled to make myself get up before making my way down the stairs.

The kitchen smelled good as I made my way over to our small dining table.

"So how has school been going?" my mom was trying to break the awkward silence.

"Good I guess"

"Have you made any new friends?"

"A few" I picked at my taco.

"What about boys?"

" really"

"There was a note for you on the door when I got here"

"Who was it from?"

"I didn't read it" she stepped away from the table for a second and came back with a piece of paper in her hand.




I crumbled up the paper and tossed it to the side.

"Who was it from?" my mother asked as she shoved a bite of food in her mouth.

"No one" I mumbled.

"Well it had to be from someone"

"No one worth talking about"

"Was it from a boy? You know I don't like the idea of a boy being here when I'm not home"

I didn't want Ben here period.

"I know. It was just someone from school"

I hated Ben but he was really the last of my concerns today. I was growing tired of worrying about him anyway. But if he was going to kill me, today might not be such a bad day to do it.

I helped my mother clean up and gave her a kiss on the cheek as she headed out the door.

"I'll be back in an hour or two" she waved as her heels clicked against the sidewalk.

I closed the door, double checking the locks, before making my way back up to my room.

I tried to bury my face into my pillow as deep as I could. I don't really know what I am feeling, I just know it doesn't feel good. Am I hurt because Cecilia is playing with my emotions? Or am I hurt because she doesn't have feelings for me? I gasped. What if it was the latter? Am I really developing feelings for Cecilia? Or I already have them?


I didn't bother to put a whole lot of effort into getting ready for school.  I didn't even try to hide the bags under my eyes from tossing and turning all night.

I tried to walk down the hallway as unnoticed as possible, but I'm sure that doesn't require any effort.

"Morning Abby!" Danielle managed to spot me.

"Hey" I half smiled.

"Why so glum?" she frowned.

"I just...I didn't get much sleep last night"

"Hey Danielle, hey Abby" ugh, the way he said my name made me nauseous.

"Oh hey Ben, good morning" Danielle beamed. If she only knew.

She looked at me funny after noticing I was ignoring him.

"So, Danielle, want me to walk you to your class?" he smiled at her eerily.

"Okay!" she flirted. Why is everyone so attracted to this guy?

I made a mad dash to my locker never even looking up.

"Whoa there! Whats your hurry?" I bumped into to someone.

I looked up to see Alex's piercing eyes glaring down at me with a half smile on his face.

"I..uh.." no words came to my mouth.

He laughed.

"Glad I can amuse you" I scowled.

"You're cute Julia" he continued to laugh.

"It's Abby, actually" I smacked my lips.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought Cecilia told me your name was Julia" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, Cecilia doesn't know a whole lot about me" I rolled my eyes.

"Well, Abby" he emphasized "where are you headed in such a hurry?"

"To my locker, I'm really just trying to get to class"

"But we still have 15 minutes before the bell" he looked at me questioningly.

"I gotta go" I pushed my way passed him.

"Hold on!" he stopped me. "Let me walk you" he smiled and put his arm around me.

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