Cecilia (short chapter)

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So this is in third person and is going to give you a little insight on Cecilia and Alex. Yes, I know it is super short (sorry!), but after I had written this chapter the first time I changed my mind and went back and rewrote it and I am already working on the next  chapter. Hope you enjoy! Votes and comments much appreciated!!


 "So why haven't you brought your new friend over?" Alex asked Cecilia as he inhaled deeply from his joint.

"Who?" Cecilia asked, irritated that her brother was doing this in the house.

"That girl...what's her name? Julia?" he exhaled.

Cecilia fanned the air in front of her face.

"Are you crazy? Mom is going to kill you!" she whispered to him.

"Relax," he said calmly "she finished off her bottle, she won't be back up tonight"

Cecilia glanced into the kitchen at the empty liquor bottle. Her brother was probably right.

"So why don't you have her come over? She's kinda cute" he grinned.

"She's not like that" Cecilia barked.

"Oh yeah? That's the best kind, if you know what I mean"

She punched her brother in the stomach.

He coughed and grabbed his stomach before laughing.

"Why do you always sleep with all of my friends? You break their hearts and then I have to hear about it"

"I can't help it, you have cute friends"

Cecilia rolled her eyes.

"She wouldn't go for you anyway" she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Really?" he said sarcastically.

"Nope. You aren't her type."

"She didn't seem too repulsed by me that one day I took you guys to the lake" he smirked.

"Whatever, I'm not bringing her over here" Cecilia threw her arms up and stood up.

"Why? Because you know that I'm right?"

"Because you're an ass!" she kicked his leg off of the coffee table and walked passed.

"Hey Cecilia, wanna make a bet?" he yelled to her.

Cecilia turned around and stomped back.

"Do whatever you want Alex, but she's not going to hook up with you!" she told him angrily "and I'm not bringing her over here"

 Alex wondered why his sister was getting so upset, she barely even knew that Julia girl anyway.

Cecilia laid in bed arguing with herself about why she was so upset.  She didn't normally care who or  what her brother did, so why did the idea of him hooking up with Julia upset her so bad? She knew her brother would hurt her, but why did she care?  Was it because she would be losing her new "toy"? Suddenly Cecilia had a feeling that she had never felt before and it made her sick to her stomach.

She actually cared about this girl.

She couldn't deny this any longer. She would find her first thing in the morning. She had to know.

The next morning Cecilia waited patiently by Julia's locker so that they could talk.

She nervously chewed on her nails as she watched for Julia to emerge from the crowd.

She finally seen a glimpse of her making her way through with her beautiful smile and tried to calm the butterflies in her stomach. Her heart sank when she seen that she was smiling at Alex.  He had gotten to her.

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