A spark too much

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Angela Matson

Angela Matson was having a bad day. Everything wasn't going her way, from the hair who she barely managed to settle, to her date who talked to her about sports, healthy food and sports and worst of all was that her older brother had decided to abandon her. Along with Ciara who looked too happy talking to her brother, a crimson flush to her cheeks. Even Ethan was busy, whispering to the blushing mess of Maggie Northfield beside the horror house. She had no one to annoy the shit off.

Luke didn't even get any of  her sarcastic responses, replying to her with a silly grin. It was annoying her. Basically doing the opposite of what she was trying to do.

Sighing, she decided to stop picking her nails and look at the stalls set up around the Square. Luke was still talking on, ignorant to the bored expression on Angela's face. The colorful stalls were nearly knocking into each other, all showing different assortments of food, jewelry and dresses. The townspeople milling around were dressed exotically, one couple in animal onesies, a male dressed as a cat while the female dressed as a puppy.

Sadly she nor Ryan had dressed so cutely. Ryan had simply pulled on glasses and a lab coat over his usual assortment of a blues. And she had pulled out her princess sparkle, in a large pasty pink gown with white silk gloves. She felt childish in it now, with all those heroic costumed teenagers milling about.

She sighed, interrupting her date from his body building talk with an excuse of using the loo. And then she ran. Ran to her brother and best friend with a scowl plastered on her face. As she neared them, Ryan shot Ciara an amused look. "Wasn't it amazing hearing him yap?"

Her scowl deepened. "Ryan, you need to control your tongue-", he shot her a glare as she turned to her dark skinned friend. "-And you betrayed me!"

"How did I do that?" She asked, confused at her. Her mint frock flowed to her knees, paired with knee high boots even though Angela had been strongly against it. Although she was glad to see that Ciara had opened up her hair, letting her lush curly locks flow down to her waist. She looked pretty, which made her internally smile. She wasn't going to show her that she made her proud, It'll ruin her reputation of being troublemaker.

Angela pointed at her glaring brother, accusingly. "You laughed at his boring jokes!" At the revelation both of them rolled their eyes.

"If my jokes are so boring, Angela". Ryan started, pulling his hands into his lab pocket. He was smirking slightly, making her narrow her eyes at him suspiciously. While Ciara was busy unwrapping a burrito. Where did she get that? "I wouldn't tell you what Ethan asked me yesterday".

She knew she should've been eavesdropping on their conversations last night. "Fine, you are right about Luke being mega boring. Now what did he say?" Ciara choked on her burrito she had started munching on by now, surprised hearing the words leave Angela. She blushed, embarrassed at heeding so easily when she usually never admits at being wrong.


She glared making Ryan grin at her. "Do not make me say it, Ryan Matson", she threatened.

"Fine, fine. Ethan asked me if you were still had a date to this".

She grinned. "I think he was going to ask me". Even though Ethan was nothing but rude to her until recently, he was hot. And she couldn't deny her attraction to her. Not with that male winking at her whenever they walked past each other. She knew it was pathetic of her not to slam that playing against the wall and threaten him to tell her his reason for his sudden sweetness. But that was what she felt around idols who had nothing better to do then turn her weak. Like a silly fan girl she was.

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