True Intentions

214 7 4

Being Rewritten

Ryan Matson

"Well then...". Ryan coughed as nobody spoke after the introduction. Angela had basically left him to take care of the awkwardness while just a second ago she had been leading the charge. Ethan stood raising his eyebrow at him, his gaze dubious but proud. "...Off to you Angela".

"Off you to Ryan".

He turned to face his sister. "I hate you, you know that. Leaving me to face this..this proud smirking ass right now. The nerve if baby sisters these days".

"You do know that I'm right here?". Ethan put in, his tone pissed. " And didn't you hear me, get off my lawn!"

His tone made anger rise up in Ryan. He was peaceful person and hated conflicts but seeing a guy call them basically treat them like ants under his boot was just beyond his limit. "We just just came here to give you this". He threw the box at his jerk of a neighbour, seething.

Ethan's left eye twitched but his blank expression didn't change. Angela stood in the sidelines, surprised at the tone Ryan used. Fine, it was surprising but Angela shouldn't be that shocked. Nobody is that peaceful.

When Ethan spoke his voice was calm. Dangerously calm. "What did you just call me, human?"

"Human?" Ryan looked weridly at him, staring at him head to toe looking for signs that Ethan was on drugs right now. "Seriously that's your best insult, A-hole?"

"Hey! I'm Ang-"

"Shut up, twin blondie. Now shorty why don't you repeat what you called me just a second ago?" Ethan cut Angela off, loosing his calm demeanour. He took a threatening step forward, his tall structure making Ryan suddenly terrified.

But he quickly masked his terror, "Oh I would love too". Ryan stepped forward, not letting his height put him down hi front of his lethal neighbour.

"ETHAN!" A new voice yelled from inside. "Who is it? Don't tell me it's dad. He's too-Oh Hi!". A woman came up beside him. Her sharp grey eyes were hidden behind her thick spectacles, her dark hair pulled back in a messy bun. She grinned at them. "I'm Cynthia. This piss head's cousin". She replied, leaning forward. Ethan had suddenly gone quiet, his gaze back at the pretty woman. "And you guys are?"

Angela blinked, stepping back and blinked again. "You guys look nothing alike!"

"Yes". She smiled, a little nervously this time. Her eyes raked over both of them questionably.

"Uh..I'm Ryan Matson". Ryan replied, deciding that they can't stop being awkward among everyone. "This is my sister Angela...We're your neighbours. Our parents were busy so they couldn't come".

"Oh!" She clapped her hands, outstretching her hand to both of them to shake. Taking her hand in his, he was surprised. She had a really strong grip. "This guy's your neighbour me. I came here to help him unpack ".

Ryan nodded, glancing at his sister who was frowning at their blank neighbour, a frown on her face. "You came early".

Cynthia grinned.

Silence stretched amongst them as they regarded each other. Ryan felt disappointed that the friendly female wouldn't be living as he was liking her company more than the angry male's.

When awkwardness again started to chip in with Ethan scowling in the distance, Ryan's shuffling feet, Angela's off tune whistling and Selena's intense gaze, Angela spoke up. Her voice was surgery, too high pitch making Ryan wince. "We brought cookies!"

"Great! Lets go inside!" Selena shouted, opening the door wider and pushing Ethan in. He stumbled for a second before regaining his balance and shooting the female a glare. Selena just shrugged and took the box of cookies from Angela who had picked up the fallen. Hopefully the cookies weren't broken..

Telling Ethan to drop he box in the fridge, she ushered them into the uncomfortable stiff pale loveseat which was surrounded by comfy sofas. "I'm sorry about the mess. Ethan brought a lot of stuff here so it probably going to take a week to unpack everything".

The interior was posh and modern, the exact opposite of the outside. The floors were marble with the walls maroon. A large wooden staircase took off upstairs, left and right where the walls were covered in wood. A marble counter and one wall separated the area from the white kitchen. Ryan was stuck how everything was furnished and new and until this day, he hadn't seen anything happening to this house.

Ryan moved a bit in his chair, getting uncomfortable. "Cynthia?".

"Yes?" She replied, settling herself in the sofa beside theirs.

"Why are you helping him unpack if he's moving here?"

Cynthia chuckled, placing her heavily manicured hand on the arm of the seat. "I'm an interior designer so I helped decorate the house. And that's what I'm doing right now, unpacking and placing everything in their right places".

Ryan nodded, moistening his lips. Who knew nearly getting in a fight with rude neighbour would make him so thirsty?" So Ethan is bad at decorating and needed your help to do it".

Cynthia smirked. "Now I'm done being interrogated?"

Ryan laughed, his voice echoing in the silent home. "Not even in the least". He saw his sister rolling her eyes at their flirting though the corner of his eyes but he diligently ignored it. A loud bang made him jump, turning around to finally notice that his neighbour still hadn't returned.

"Ryan just a sec? Ethan get your butt out of the kitchen!"


34% battery. 8:33 AM and 6/12/2017..

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