Crimson gaze

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Not Edited

Ryan Matson

Ryan hummed the Looney tunes show tune to himself as he followed his younger sibling  to their neighbouring estate. Angela walked briskly forward, looking back every once in a while to see if he was following. Ryan found that quite irritating but he didn't voice his view out loud. His sister was already pissed and their was no need to get her more angry at him.

"Ryan give the box to me and open the gate". Angela ordered him.
Ryan made a face at her. "We should inform them first".

"Yeah great idea". Angela murmured, pushing the few strands of her hair back into the ponytail. "But There's nothing here to inform them. So your idea was a flop".

Ryan raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes, Angela I think you could be the next Black Mask".

"Thank you".

He sighed in defeat. Why even did he try to make fun of her when she always thought he was complimenting her? Black Mask was obviously one of the villains Batman faced.

He pushed the box into his sister's arms and opened left side of the rusty iron gate, grumbling to himself about little sisters. The gate made a screeching noise as it was opened.

The Mansion looked even more eerie and horrifying now that Ryan was staring at it. Green trees covered the front lawn wildly, leaving garnaled roots covering the grass speckled ground haphazardly. The walls surrounding the Gate were cracked and broken from places and covered all over with green vine.

Angela stalked ahead after thrusting the box of cookies back in his arms. Scowling, Ryan walked after her.

Ryan slipped into his thoughts as he walked slowly towards the Manor, thanking God that Angela was busy poking the branch everywhere she had found near the gate except him-thankfully. He thought of his daydream-sort of. Something told him it had to do with his neighbours, it felt like it was even though he had no clue about it. The dream like vision had blurred at some places but it had been very  vivid unlike a dream and more like something out of a movie- old fashioned movie at that one. The golden eyes of the woman had reminded him of his neighbour. The neighbour's face looked eerily familiar. Like a long lost dream coming to haunt him again but this time in real life. But something of the curve of his mouth had reminded of the man in his vision. It-

"Oww!" Ryan screamed, stumbling away from his smirking younger sibling. Angela had poked her pointy stick right in his hip. She never seemed to surprise him or exceed her limit of goodness. Somehow or the other she has to show that she is bully all the way. "What you do that for?!"

"You should always be on your toes!". She replied in a chiding tone, mastering their karate teacher perfectly once he had thrown his unsuspecting victim on the floor. She winked before strolling ahead, without giving him a proper answer.

He sighed, rubbing the sore spot and walking forward. His legs had started to hurt g The front  looked more closer to the house from afar, now it was like walking through a marshy dangerous jungle.

He had seen a large patch of muddy dirt which he had instantly avoided before.

He rounded around another muddy patch, this time much larger and tripped over a uprooted brown  root. Air was pushed out of his lungs once he hit the ground with a heavy thud. He heaved lungful of air and pushed himself up. Up ahead walking forward Angela either ignoring his fall or not knowing. Either way she should have heard the large sound which always came when meaty flesh met hard ground. 

"Come on Ryan, get up! Or do you need my help?" Her reply came too late but he still answered with a meek no.

Frowning at his discomfort he pushed himself on his legs. He blinked, thinking the scene before him a hallucination of sort. He had just seen a priest standing on the wooden structure, looking at him straight in the eyes.

The feeling of nauseous returned and he saw the priest yet again but this a couple dressed in medieval wedding costumes standing beside him, with their mouths moving and eyes stuck on each other. The blurred and ghostly looking people vanished suddenly. Ryan blinked and they were there again.

The woman laughed. Ryan suddenly heard faint sweet laughter and straining his ears he heard the vows going between the couple as the priest watched them calmly.

"Do you, James Necro take Selena Hamilton as your wife?" The priest mouth worked on the words.

"I do. I take Selena Matson as my lawfully wedded wife".

"And do you..............husband?"

"I do.....".

Ryan wanted to hear what they were talking about but the voices had been muted yet again. He hadn't blinked, fearing that the three would be gone again and he wouldn't see the two people he had seen in his earlier vision again. But as his eyes prickled uncomfortably, he blinked. The three people vanished. And instead of them, their was a pair of narrowed red blood coloured eyes staring at him angrily.

"ANGELA!" He screamed alerting the blonde. She ran towards frantically before pulling herself together before reaching him.

"Ryan!-what- Why did you scream like a girl!?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at him like their mother does although her eyes were still terrified. Terrified for him...

Silly Angela.

"I didn't". He protested. "Look!". He turned around to find the eyes missing. "Shit...Sorry. Lets go give these damn cookies".

Angela stared at him perplexed as he marched ahead muttering to himself. "I'm sick of this place. The mansion would be much more creepier than this. I'm also sick of every fictional thing in all life since this morning. Two visions in a day. Bullshit".

Scrunching up her face, Angela this time followed. 

Ryan knocked on the door and waited with Angela in tow. But nobody answered. He knocked again. And again. Then there was shuffling and the door was pulled open, almost pulling it off it's hinges.

The male met Ryan on the door. He had a blank expression on his face as he regarded them.
Ryan was instantly stuck on how familiar he seemed to look like the man. He had the same tousled hair-which covered his forehead and his intimidating golden gaze- , same shape of nose, face and eyes. But the way he scowled, he reminded Ryan of his father when he was having bad days. Which was nearly every day. He hadn't changed out of his previous clothes- black jeans over a black shirt with The Beatles written in white large letters in the front. The boy's sharp golden eyes studied them like they were a threat to his domain, his gaze heavy and full of rage. His narrowed eyes turned to golden slits as he opened his mouth and rudely question them. "What do you want? We don't need scout cookies so get off the front lawn".

Angela pointed the tall tresses behind us. "You call this a lawn?"

The boy raised an eyebrow. "Did I ask for your opinion, blondie?"

"No but-" Angela's angry rant was cut of as I asked politely.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"

"My name is Ethan Necro. Now get off my lawn".

Vote and Comment. I don't mind even the rudeness. I kinda like rudeness. I don't know why. So there it is, Chapter 4(I think). Thank you for reading it. 

Awful Author's note above. Time is 8.o2 AM. I also have 16% battery remaining!

Friday, 24 June, 2016. This was previosly written in 2015 in these months! May-September....

1346 words

Mia xxxxxxxxx

Oo      A fanged Vampire! Run!! Or it
  "       might be a guy with a runny nose! But still run!


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