family of death

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Ryan Matson

Ryan sat on the old window seat on the smallest room on the third storey,the attic. This was the only place from which he could see the road and his new neighbours. The attic was a tiny uncomfortable place with hardly much room left as it was run over by creaky old furniture, caked with dust. The walls had their beige paint peeling. Ryan didn't usually come here but there was no other place left from which he could see outside. He couldn't go to his sister's room which was one door down from here although it was rather large, he knew his sister would kick his ass out of her room in a second he stepped inside her yellow frilly room.

He snapped out of his thoughts just when he heard the roar of the engine. Glancing down, he saw his only neighbour stepping out of a black jeep. A young man nearly his age sporting all black. A black beanie covered his head but still some dark locks escaped through. He was fascinated in knowing the reason of his moving there when his expression showed his displeasure of being here. It might also help him as he could find a friend with the man. Although It hardly seemed highly unlikely as the boy seemed to have a big ego and a bad boyish aura around as he explored his surroundings with his nose pulled up, like he was disgusted by his surroundings. They seemed stark opposites but it still helped make him feel a bit better.

His house stood alone in the outskirts of town having only a dark and lonely large stone Mansion for company. For miles there was no house except theirs.

There was a rumour that the house beside his were haunted. He never believed that as he hadn't seen anything out of ordinary. Most daring teenagers went to other haunted houses rather than his neighbour. They said it was too risky when in the 19's a pack of researchers had went inside but had never returned. As the Mansion seemed vacant for years it had been planned to be sold to an unsuspecting new comer or turned to a  Mall. But for two years nobody bought it as the everyone already knew about this eerie lively hood. So just a month before it was going to turn into dust, it had bought. Causing many people to warn the new people but to no avail. They bought it and had it refurnished a week before they took flight here. He was interested in  knowing why some youngsters like himself had bought this the Mansion which had been known as Necro Manor for years. Sure it was filled with old antique things from the 18's- which hadn't been removed because the rumour that it would upset the ghost living there- but and does not buy it because of it's old history.

As his new neighbours started getting some of their luggage out unsuspecting to the eyes looking at them. Ryan was sure that his mother was also looking out of the front door window while she hid behind the white patterned curtain and heard their conversation to gossip.

He turned his attention to the neighbouring house as he quickly got bored . There were stories of how the night and the vampires lived there and pry-ed upon the innocents from the moment they had opened their eyes in this world. Ryan himself had never believed in these rumours, letting them go through his other ear like nothing. Ghosts, Vampires, Werewolves, Mummies, Fairies, Zombies...they were all made up stories to get others to leave the place or the children to sleep in medieval times.

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