Power Couple

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"Ready to get out" he asked kindly. "I shook my head" swimming back over to the boat opening. Kai helped me up the steps then he made his way back up. Suddenly out of no where he screamed and fell back in.....

Kai Pov

One minute I was watching Aliyah get onto the boat with me following after her and then the next I felt a sharp pain run through my leg. I started kicking my legs ferociously around in the water while watching a small pool of red water forming in the water. I heard Aliyah scream and then jump into the water. After that I blacked out.

Aliyah Pov

I saw a little shark fin in the water and screamed. But then I realized it was Kai's life on the line and quickly sprang into action. I dropped the towel that I was holding and jumped back into the water kicking and punching wildly at the animal. After a while, I saw it swim away. Idk how I did it but I somehow managed to get Kai up the steps by myself. I then called for help and the chef and butler guy came out to help. Where were they at when I was screaming?? Brushing it off I went into the cabin and ordered the captain to bring us back to the dock. About 15 minutes later, we arrived at the dock where there was an ambulance waiting for us. While we were on boat, we called the ambulance and Kai's family. Their car was directly behind the ambulance. "Everyone back up" the EMT lady shouted. Everyone did as they were told except for me. "Who are you mam?" She asked. "His gf" I said back with an attitude. Sensing this, the lady turned back around and focused on Kai. She started yelling to the guys who were putting Kai on the stretcher and lifting him up into the car. Only two people were allowed to ride so Kai's mother allowed me of course and Christian to ride since they were really close. During this whole ordeal and the ride to the hospital, Kai had passed out.

~At the Hospital~

"Family of a Mr.Kai Alleyne?" The doctor came out. We all stood up in the tiny waiting room. "How is he doc?" Kai's father questioned. "He's doing very well sir. He's in stable condition. We had to do an emergency surgery and repair his leg. Luckily the meat from his calf was still attached so we were able to clean it up and attach it back to his leg properly. He is awake but still on his medication, so please be mindful. We all nodded and followed the doctor into the room. We all filed in and looked at Kai. When he noticed us, a bright smile appeared on his face. He first pointed to his parents and motioned for them to come over to the bed. He gave them both hugs and kisses then motioned for Christian. This whole situation had upset Christian and he was trying to deal. "Bro I'm good" Kai reassured him and giving him a dap. "Christian then smiled and was ok." When he walked back over, he gave me a hug and then I walked over to Kai. He told me to lean down and when I did, he softly planted a kiss on my lips. He still had that touch even after coming right out of surgery. I smiled and kissed him back.

Everyone was fine again and we were all talking and laughing when Kai got wide eyed. "What's wrong babe?" I asked him concerned. "Babe you're bleeding." As if knowing where to look, I noticed blood dripping from my ankle. The shark must've taken a nibble out of me when I was kicking him. Kai pressed the emergency help button on his little remote thing and 10 seconds later, 2 nurses came in the room. "What's wrong sir?" They asked concerned. "My gf's leg is bleeding." The one lady left and came back with a wheel chair and took me to an X-ray room just for precautions. After realizing it was just a cut, they took me to another room and the doctor came in and gave me 7 stitches on my ankle. I'm gonna be hella pissed is this leaves a scar I thought to myself. "Ok mam. You're all set. Come back in 2 weeks so I can remove those for you. And don't worry, it should heal properly and most likely won't leave a scar. If you're still unsure, put either cocoa butter or Maderma on it after the stitches are taken out." I nodded my head and the nice lady nurse wheel chaired me back to Kai's room. "Are you alright now babe?" Kai asked me more alert than before. "Yea baby. Calm down I just got 7 stitches on my ankle." "Are you fine?" "Yes Kai now get ur rest" I reassured him. They all gave their goodbye hugs and kisses then left leaving me and Kai alone. Since he had just got out of surgery, he was allowed to have one over-night visitor. "I love you so much baby." Kai said kissing my forehead as I laid beside him in the bed. "I love you so much more words can't even explain Kai." I said kissing him back. After that, we soon drifted off to sleep together in each other's arms...

How was that chapter guys

I think I did a good job

My freaking fingers are hurting but it's all good and I have to use the bathroom 😂😂

I'm good tho. Sorry for any mistakes 😔 I'm only human

Plzz vote and comment loves

It's gonna change over to August soon

What's gonna happen

Comment why u think I'm switching over to August soon.

Where's Kai going??


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2015 ⏰

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