Meeting Christian

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When I woke up the next morning I heard the shower running and I was alone in the bed so it was obviously Kai. I got up and walked into the bathroom where he was. I brushed my teeth then hopped in with him. "Good morning beautiful." "Good morning love." I said kissing him. "You look different." He told me confused. "Umm oh sorry I don't have any makeup on" I said embarrassed. "No don't be sorry. You look even more beautiful natural." Blushing I told him thank you.

After washing up and getting dressed for a early morning workout, me and Kai headed out the door. We were gonna go for a light jog and then come back for my morning smoothies. I put on my highlighter yellow, black and grey cotton blend push up bra from Pink with my gray workout shorts.

*****The Run*****

As me and Kai were running, I ran in front of him and waved to a boy who was about 16. He whistled at me and I laughed bcuz he seemed like a good kid. "Christian keep ur eyes off of my woman." I heard Kai yell to the kid- well Christian. I saw that Kai had stopped so I stopped and ran back with him. He was dapping Christian up. "Oh sorry. This is my little brother Christian." "Hi Christian." He was too busy trying to guess my bra size. Kai noticed this and snapped his fingers in front of Christian's face. Knocking him out of his daze, Christian shook my hand. "We'll be back in about 10 minutes or so." "Ok bro." Christian replied dapping Kai up again and riding off on his bike.

"Sorry about him." Kai apologized when we started running again. "It's ok. He was cute." Kai stopped and echoed his eyebrow at me. "You know what I mean." "No I don't. Explain."

"I just meant that he's a cute young man but obviously he too young for me. There might be some competition if he was out age." I said jokingly. Competition my ass Kai mumbled under his breath but not low enough for me not to hear. "C'mon Kai. I'm just messing with you" I reassured him. I gave him a kiss but he just turned his head. "Kai baby I'm sorry. " "You're lucky you cute" he said kissing me back. Satisfied I turned back around and started running again but not fast enough bcuz Kai slapped my butt before I ran away.

***After the Run***

"Is there any fruit u dont eat or like I asked Kai?" "No but I don't like apples or any vegetables in my smoothies except spinach. " Lol.

"Me neither. " I put the bananas, strawberries, peaches and spinach in the blender along with the fat-free vanilla yogurt. I added a little almond milk and orange juice with ice and blended everything together. "That's a lot of stuff" Kai said putting his 2 cents in. "Bet you'll drink it all tho." "Ard bet." Is all he said. When everything was blended together I poured us both cups of it. He took one sip and the smoothie was done in 2 minutes. "Is this an empty glass I see." I said washing his cup out. "Shut up girl." I just laughed. Christian then came into the kitchen with a towel wrapped around his waist with water dripping down his chest. He had it going on to only be 16. "Boy if you don't go out some clothes on around my lady" Kai said coming up behind me and grabbing my waist. "She wasn't complaining when she was just staring at me." He said smirking. I just blushed and put the rest of the smoothie in the fridge. "Wait can i have the rest?" Christian asked. "Sure" I replied pouring him a glass. "Thanks" he said giving me a peck on the cheek. Kai thankfully didn't say anything this time bcuz that's something they do down here but Kai did give him a playful evil eye (if that makes sense). After finishing my smoothie, Kai and I cleaned up our mess and headed up to wash up again from our run.

Sorry for any mistakes guys...

I made that longer for u guys ;)

I was gonna say updates when I get 150 reads but that might be tonight... Lets see if we can get it ;)

Vote and comment plzz loves ;)

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