Barbados: We Out Che'

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After hours of getting to know each other, out plane finally stopped in Barbados. Kai helped me get my things as we made out way into the airport. Originally I had planned on getting a taxi to take me to the beach but Kai insisted that I come with him. I figured he wasn't gonna kill me or anything so I went along with him after we got all of our luggage and everything. Come to find out, Kai already had a limo waiting outside for him and everything. "Did I forget to mention that my mom is a big time actress here and my dad is a reggae producer here?" He said laughing. Still stunned I playfully slapped him on the arm. The driver put all of our stuff in the trunk and we were off to his parents mansion. On the way there he was explaining how his parents were kinda rich. "What's the next thing ur gonna tell me? Rihanna is a family friend of yours?" I said laughing. "Well actually she's my cousin but u were close" he said laughing as we pulled up to this beautiful island mansion about 30 minutes later. Kai took my hand as he helped me out the limo. I started walking up to the house but realized u didn't hear any footsteps behind me. When I looked back I caught Kai looking at my booty. "Are u gonna come and show me around or stare at my butt all day?" I questioned. "Well as much as I'd like to take u up on that offer, my mom is throwing me a welcome home party so we have to get ready." "Um ok." I responded

I will be updating like 2 more chapters today so yea. Don't forget to tap that star to vote and make sure u comment please. Tell me if u think its good or if its missing anything. Thanks guys really appreciate it;)

I'm rocking the shit outta these braids I just did in my hair lol. Who I sound like XD.

Oh an btw this story is gonna eventually turn into an August story; Kai is NOT Aug ok? Ok!

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