Till I Die

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The truth wasn't far from purpously seeping out of my barely parted cahhped lips as I kept my focuse on the cold hearted silhoutte figure that never seemed to fade; nor did they have any intention of getting closer to my breaking form. Nothing could wash away the deep bruning ache that's assualting my fast pacing heart, desperately wanting; waiting for me to let outan agonized scream. But I bit my tongue-so hard that I could swallow the matellic and bittering salty taste-to refrain myself from being able to utter a word; a pointless sound..


In the depths of my body i could only feel hollowness-where my sould should've been-just like the dark sapphire blue sky that's mockingly calling out my noticeable despair. A sweet tease it'll be, and how slow the torture will eat away at my flickering strength. Give it all away and be free from the endless cycle of numbing, excruciating anguish, or happily accept this set up fate?

Voluntarily my lips quickly twitched down at the dirt before they curved upwards without a sense of hesitation. No one will ever configure my reasons, and decipher my lack of-

Unfinished Imagination (Will finish later..)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن