Haunted Karma

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My attitude got me here. Nothing else f*cking matters anymore! I screw up alot now! I got no sense of damn direction; I loathe those around me because I am tired of myself!!


The dark is bad; the dark is evil. What the f*ck do they all know! I cannot stress enough on how this darkness has saved me on its own accord. Call me crazy, call me pathetic, and whatever else the hell you want. I just am so f*cking tired of pretending that I can be okay.

So what happens when I pretend? I fall deeper into the black hole that is in me, and guess what the f*ck happens after that? I die inside.

Over the years she has manipulated me, and sadly still is in her own way. I got nothing; I was born an evil minded kid that would rather be dead than to be here. My life has stopped being imperative to me. Maybe that's why I cannot cry when I need too; so instead I try to lash out on hard objects around me. Ha!

Is that the darkness coming for me again? It sure can try, and try again. This soul is all mine. Oh, yeah; did I purpously forgot to mention that the guy coming near me. Is in fact the idiot who shoved me out of danger, when in fact; I secretly wanted it. Here is my haunting karma. The guy who died for selfish old me.

"Good luck with stopping me from turning", I muttered to him from under my breath, and continued on my next destination. Maxten Detrie.

Unfinished Imagination (Will finish later..)Where stories live. Discover now