The Overlooked

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Allison, Isaac and I are still at the school. Lydia was transported to a neighboring hospital since the one in Beacon Hills is being evacuated due to an incoming storm. The lights keep on flickering and I'm scarred because of the fact of what that bitch Ms. Blake did. You know...I should call her Scar Face or something.

"I can't react Scott or Derek." Isaac says hanging up his phone.

"Lydia is bruised, but she's getting taken to a hospital downtown since this one is evacuating. The storm is expected to get much worse, and the old generators won't hold up in this strain." Allison says.

"I'm taking you 3 home." Dad says to us.

"No, I'm going to the hospital to make sure Cora is safe. I can't leave here with just Peter." Isaac says as he steps back.

"I'll drive you." My dad says just as the lights shut off.

We car ride is quite awkward. My dad is driving...Allison is in the passengers seat and I'm in the back with Isaac.

"So're dating Macy?" My dad asks.

"Yes, sir." Isaac says.

"That's nice...both of my daughters dated werewolves. And one is dating one currently...that's nice" my dad says as his grip tightens.

"Dad, calm down...Isaac won't hurt me. He can't because I would hurt him first. So I'm fine." I say to my dad.

"This is true, sir..." Isaac says.

"Stop calling me 'sir'. Just say Mr. Argent, and if we get there to me liking you enough you can call me Chris." My dad tells Isaac.

"Ok sir- I mean Mr. Argent." Isaac stammers.

"Are you dating anyone?" My dad asks Allison.

"No." Allison says bitterly.

We arrive at the hospital. We enter the ER area. My dad pulls me and Allison behind him and he reaches to grab his pistol. Something isn't right. Isaac puts his head down to the ground and he listens. He gets up and grabs my hand.

"Come on" he tells my family and we all run. I new footsteps coming closer and start to slow down in the process Isaac runs into the McCalls. We all look at each other confused.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asks.

"Cora...what are you doing here?" Allison asks.

"Cora. Now we are trying to get away from the alphas and save Jennifer." Scott replies.

"Why are we saving her?" I ask.

"She knows where Stiles' dad is and she can save Cora." Scott replies.

"Ok then.We need a plan..." I say. They all agreed and we go into a surgery place to come up with a plan.

"Which teacher are we talking about?" Dad asks.

"She has brown hair...she's kinda hot." Isaac says.

We all look at him and I glare at him.

"What?" He asks looking around, "she is." Then he sees me glaring at him, "sorry. You're way hotter. More beautiful. And so much more." Isaac says quickly.

"I can pass as her." Allison says looking in the mirror. "I need her shoes though. Tell Derek that."

"Ok," Scott says and he texts Derek. I look out into the hallway and I see her shoes in front of the elevator.

"The shoes are there..." I say.

"Ok, well we need someone who is really sneaky to get it." Scott says and they all look at me.

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