Frayed (part 1)

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AN: just pretend for the gif that I used that she's in the building were the Alphas are and she's fighting the alphas. Also, I'm not 100% sure if the gif is going to work so I apologize if it doesn't. And for this chapter I'm not doing the flashback sequence like they used in the episode, I'm going chronologically.

I woke up in my bed with Isaac's arms around me. I smile and realize it's been a week since we became official. I hear the front door open and I panic. My dad's back but he's been gone a lot doing stuff on his own. What if it isn't my dad or Allison? I get out of Isaac's arms doing my best not to wake him and grab one of my knives, or the correct term a Chinese Ring Dagger. I slowly walk down the hall and I turn the corner to see who it is. Holding on to the dagger so hard my knuckles turn white. I peek out and's not my dad. It's Allison. I breathe out a sigh of relief and walk back down the hall to my room. I put my dagger away and turn to my bed to see that Isaac is awake. He smiles at me.

"Hey babe" he says groggily. How I love it when he just wakes up.

"Hey" I reply. I jump when I hear a door slam. I look at Isaac who is alert. I motion for him to stay quiet. I grab my dagger again and I slowly walk down the hall.

"What the hell Allison?!" Someone yells.

"I don't know what you're talking about Scott." She replies. I relax instantly. It's just Scott.
"I found this at the school."

"It's not mine, it must belong to the school's archery club." Dammit Allison, what did you do last night?

"We don't have an archery team and if we did we wouldn't use military grade, armor piercing, titanium arrowheads." He states. Yup...that's Allison's arrowhead. She's caught, nice job Alli.

"Stay away from the Alphas, Allison. They have superhuman strength and they have killed their own packs. They won't hesitate to kill you." Scott yelled. Aww, so cute how he still cares for her.

I can hear them talking in a lower tone but I can't understand them. I look to see what they are doing and they are sparring. Allison isn't even going that hard but she is still trying and Scott is blocking every single one of her attacks. I blink for one fucking second and I miss something obviously important because now they are close to kissing.

I step out from the hallway and they see me and split apart.

"Hey guys..." I say awkwardly.

"The twins were just playing with us at school. I'm afraid of what they could do and you should be too Allison. Even you Macy." And with that he left our apartment.

"What did you do last night?" I ask Allison.

"I could ask you the same thing." She replies looking beyond me and I turn around to see what she's looking at. Behold, my shirtless boyfriend walks out of the hallway. Great timing Isaac.

"I didn't do anything, we just cuddled and talked. So I have nothing to be in trouble for. So...what did you do last night?"

"You don't need to know everything" she comments and walks away.

I walk over to Isaac. "I'm hungry."

"Me too." He says.

"I'll make scrambled eggs and bacon." I walk off to the kitchen and laugh when I hear Isaac go.

"Give me all the bacon and eggs you have, wait a minute son. I'm afraid you just heard give me a lot of eggs and bacon. What I said was all the bacon and eggs you have...thank you."

"Quoting Ron Swanson? Now I know you've been spending too much time watching shows I like." I open the fridge and get four eggs and four strips of bacon. I grab a skillet and a baking dish.

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